We are on the verge of the greatest awakening the church has ever seen, but is the church ready for what God is about to do in these last days? Can we truly say that we are doing all that we should be doing as ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven? Where are we right now as the Body of Christ when it comes to how we are doing the work that God has called us to do? These are the questions that need to be asked and answered if we are to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus set before us just before He was taken up in the clouds. Looking at the church today in the light of Old Testament history and the book of Acts will reveal our current condition and what needs to be done to bring about change in the last-days Church. It is imperative that the Body of Christ get it right before the coming of the Lord. There is no time to waste, but what God is wanting to do today will only be done by those who hear His voice and obey the Holy Spirit. The treasures of God’s Kingdom must be restored back to the church in order to see the next great awakening.