「英語介系詞詳解」主要對象為英語教師、翻譯人員、英文科系學生,以及一般經常使用英文書寫的人士。全書編排分23章,詳細剖析同性質介系詞之間的些微差異,並經常藉助圖例以增強讀者印象。討論的介系詞超過七十個,例句極多,讀者依樣畫葫蘆,易學難忘,書後另有索引及參考資料詳注備查。 Product Description: English Prepositions Explained (EPE) has been written both for non-native and native speakers of English and is intended for : teachers of English, translators, creative writers, advanced students of English, and frequent users of English generally. Like a grammar handbook, EPE Describes how prepositions and directional adverbs are used. Explanations are liberally supported with iconic / pictorial illustrations of usage. EPE is a unique resource for creative writing because of its explanatory nature. Covering more than seventy, mostly spatial and temporal, prepositions it presents a picture of remarkable systematicity. EPE is fully indexed and includes a glossary of terms and an annotated bibliography.