The Dynasties: Long Island High School Football is the first in a series of books about the top high school sports teams on Long Island. The first, a look at the best grid iron squads of all-time, breaks down the historical backgrounds behind the top 10 programs and the next 11 honorable mention schools.
Through anecdotal stories and recaps of the biggest games in the history of every program, The Dynasties: Long Island High School Football is truly a one-of-a-kind piece of literature. No one has ever written about the history of Long Island high school football and Vaccaro categorizes the best schools by going deep into the foundation of every major team, player, year and game of each program. He considers a dynasty a program that has been consistent from day one, not just a school that won for a few years in a row. In this book you'll learn why high school football is a major fabric of any community and how football on Long Island is a special brand of sport, more so than other parts of the country.Advanced Praise "Vaccaro s book captures some of the special moments about the top teams in Long Island high school football history. It s a must read for every high school football fan on Long Island I couldn t put it down once I started reading it." - Andy Slawson, Newsday "This book puts a much-needed spotlight on a realm of sports that doesn t get the attention it deserves. Finally, there is a book that strings together the glory of the programs, players, coaches and administrators of Nassau and Suffolk football that have cultivated and enriched its history to this day." - James J. Parziale, Queens Tribune