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$ 2520
規格:30.8cm*30.8cm*5.5cm (高/寬/厚) / 初版
三民網路書店 三民網路書店 - 藝術設計  - 來源網頁  



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    Designing for Social Innovation‧Defining Asia’s Diversity
    CSID中華民國室內設計協會 理事長 龔書章
    Shu-Chang Kung, President of Chinese Society of Interior Designers (CSID)

    兩岸三地室內設計專業人員視為獲獎榮耀的「TID Award」,已邁入第九年,在姚政仲與王玉麟兩位前任理事長的大力推動下,八年來在台灣、甚至在亞洲,已經奠定了專業的評審標準和新的美學觀點;而身為第九屆理事長,我非常期待在任內,能為「TID Award」開啟更廣闊的面向。
    The TID Award, architecture’s prestigious award for design professionals in Taiwan and across the strait, has entered its ninth year. With great efforts from former CSID presidents, Cheng-Chung Yao and Yul-Lin Wang, the TID Award has established itself as the professional standard for evaluating design aesthetics in Asia. As the president of CSID’s ninth year, I very much look forward to opening a new chapter for the TID Award in broadening its scope.

    這些年來台灣的「TID Award」一直是世界和亞洲最具時代性、最具前瞻實驗美學的作品競賽平台之一!同時,我們更企圖從這個獎項的作品當中,能看到台灣自身的空間美學與材料構築之外;當我們將眼界朝向世界時,「TID Award」不再只是屬於台灣的一個獎項,它必須擴大屬於大亞洲華人地區—包括台灣、香港、中國大陸、新加坡、馬來西亞等—所有以華人觀點為基礎的亞洲定位。因此,我們藉由將TID Award的得獎作品,帶到「倫敦設計節」、甚至和日本、香港、深圳的城市交流,讓台灣成為面對「全球化」的一個非常重要的軸點,也讓更多來自亞洲各地傑出設計人才能以這個競逐平台,展現出華人的空間美學和生活文化。
    Over the years the TID Award has become one of the foremost and experimental platforms for design competitions, both in Asia and in the World! At the same time, from these awarded projects we can see beyond Taiwanese design in space aesthetics and material structures; we shall put our eye on the world, TID Award is not just an award belonging to Taiwan, it must belong to the entire Greater China Region, to include not only Taiwan, but also Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia and etc. Thus, we have brought the TID Award projects to the London Design Festival and also Japan, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and other Asian cities, as a pivot to ‘globalize’ Taiwan. We hope to allow more talented people to participate in this competition platform, to express Asian spatial aesthetics and lifestyles.

    另一方面,除了面對自己、面對亞洲、面對世界之外,我們也企圖思考如何面對時代改變與演進,讓設計可以面向社會、面向公共、面向創新!我們今年希望提醒所有設計師能「為社會創新而設計」,也就是所謂的「社會設計」(Social Design)—讓空間設計不只是以空間為本質而已,而是關於人們如何想像、改造、落實一個更好的社會,傳遞出台灣的價值與認同的新思惟動力。進而,面對當代的時代趨勢,讓空間不只是設計者自我想像與構築的空間而已,而是一個跨域整合的傳達設計(Communication Design)—更重視整合性的意念溝通,將媒體、品牌或活動完美地融合在空間整體之中,創造「TID Award」的作品走向更多元有機、更實驗創新的可能。
    On the other hand, besides facing ourselves, Asia and the world, we must also endeavor to think about how to face the changing times and its evolutions. How do we allow design to face the society, public and innovation! This year we hope to remind designers to “Design for Social Innovation,” i.e., make “Social Design” that treats interior design as not just a space itself, but a product of how people think, transform and create a better society. In the face of the changing times, space is no longer just an imagined and constructed reality; it is a cross-disciplinary “Communication Design,” an integrative entity that seamlessly combines space with the media, branding and activities. The TID Award shall march toward a more diversified, more experimental and more innovative future.

    同時,我們在今年的評審結構上,也為了這個多元創新而進行了部分調整,在初、複、決選評審當中,加入了藝術文化、社會創新、生活美學等面向作為評分元素之一,多邀請了「漣漪人基金會」董事長朱平、資深媒體人及作家詹偉雄、生活美學家安郁茜等各界重量級人士擔任評審,從藝術、文化、商業、品牌各個角度切入,激盪出新的化學作用。不僅如此,我們也邀請國際知名設計大師季裕棠(Tony Chi)及紅點設計(Red Dot Design Award)主席Peter Zec,以國際華人和全球設計平台的觀點來審視作品。而在專業方面,則特別邀請在藝術文化擁有深度內涵與見解的台灣最具影響力設計師陳瑞憲和關傳雍,從專業層次到室內空間材料美學的運用,提供不同觀點,的確讓今年決選出了更多元樣貌的作品,更賦予了「TID Award」漸漸清晰的獨特視野。
    At the same time, we have made adjustments on the organization of the jury. For the preliminary, intermediary and final jury, we added arts & culture, social innovation and living aesthetics and etc. as criteria for critiquing. We also invited Chairman of Ripplemaker Foundation Pin Chu, literary scholar Wei-Hsiung Chan and lifestyle guru Yu-Chien Ann, as a way of introducing art, culture, commerce and branding into the jury perspectives and as catalysts for new chemistry. Additionally, we have invited world renowned designer Tony Chi and Chairman of Red Dot Design Award Peter Zec, who offer us global view on design. For design professionals, we invited Ray Chen and關傳雍Chuan-Yong Kwan, who are extremely knowledgeable and influential in the industry, and provide deep insights on culture and aesthetics. From professionalism to interior design materials and methods, our team of jurors delivered perspectives from different backgrounds and greatly diversified this year’s project selections. We can see that the unique outlook provided by the TID Award has gradually become clearer.

    我想明年第十屆的「TID Award」,我們將會回應今年的觀點和嘗試,設立一些新的空間獎項—包括永續設計 (Sustainability Design) 、社會設計 (Social Design)、創新設計獎 (Innovation Design)、以及品牌設計 (Branding & Communication)等—以回應21世紀的設計趨勢,讓設計師不只是在追求風格,而是開啟面向社會性、公共性、溝通性、更同時展現了亞洲觀點和時代精神,讓「TID Award」能創造出一個新的里程碑!
    I think for next year’s 10th Annual TID Award, we will add some new award categories to respond to new design trends of the 21st century, categories such as Sustainability Design, Social Design, Innovation Design, Branding & Communication and etc. More than just a pursuit for signature style, we want to let designers become more open to social, public, communicative, Asian infused and timeless designs. Let us open a new chapter for the TID Award!

    Between Contraction and Expansion。Explicit Form and Boundlessness
    CSID中華民國室內設計協會 理事長 龔書章
    Shu-Chang Kung, President of Chinese Society of Interior Designers (CSID)

    從第九屆「TID Award」的得獎作品中,我明顯地看到了兩岸三地(台灣、香港、中國大陸)的華人設計作品,真正開始面對自我文化和城市生活,而且個別有了不同的獨特空間美學。今年台灣設計師獲得了5項獎項,大部分是細膩且溫潤的住宅空間、藝術文化性的構築實驗,以及有機應變的空間地景,這些作品足以展現台灣設計師對於生活與文化的關注;但另一方面,在公共、工作、臨時與商業空間的類別,則幾乎是由香港及大陸設計師所囊括,而且台灣設計師在這些類別的作品表現上,相對地成熟但也保守許多,這對台灣設計師的確是一個必須的提醒!
    From the 9th annual TID Award, I noticed that projects from Taiwan and across the strait have begun to come face to face with each region’s native culture and urban life, as well as expressing unique spatial aesthetics. This year, there are 5 projects from Taiwan that won the Award, consisting mostly of detailed and cozy residential spaces, arts and culture experimental spaces and organic interim spaces. These projects show us that Taiwanese designers are deeply observant of life and culture. On the other hand, public, work, interim and commercial space categories are mostly won by projects from Hong Kong and China. Taiwanese projects are mature in these categories but comparably much more conservative. Taiwanese designers should take note!

    Taiwanese designers place great importance on life and publicity. They are able to maintain attention to detail and material as well as functionality despite limited space and budget. We find that there are many excellent tiny residential projects located in high-density small spaces. They break the confines of the existing buildings to create new layouts and inspire us to create a new award category, “Micro Homes,” possibly to be included in the next competition. On the other hand, for space installation and art, Taiwan has again astounded us with deep interests and unique outlooks on spatial ephemerality, publicity, living functionality and organophilic urban landscape! Although we face economic downturn in the current market, Taiwanese designers have adaptively turned from commercial to urban and art categories, allowing space and urban landscape to become one with art installations, in turn giving the city a new look.

    值得一提的是今年最令人讚賞的,則是「商業空間」設計類之所有的TID得獎作品!這眾多的作品有著不分軒輊的精彩競爭且多向度的呈現—即使是入選作品,也幾乎都有獲得金獎的品質和高度;因為作品涵蓋類型廣泛多元—包括餐廳、商店、旅館、書店等—實在讓我們在評審當時難以取捨,以至於有太多遺珠之憾。因此,我們評審團深切思考,並且決定在第十屆「TID Award」,能將「商業空間」獎項細分為「購物空間」、「餐飲空間」及「休閒空間」三大項目,讓更多優秀設計人才能脫穎而出。
    The excellence of the winning “commercial space” category projects is worthy of mention! All of the nominated projects are diverse presentations which are equally exciting and competitive, and of comparably high quality and depth as Gold Award projects; due to the diversity of the projects encompassing the commercial category, including restaurants, shops, hotels, bookstores and etc., it was difficult for us to judge during the review process, for fear of overlooking good projects. Thus, we have carefully evaluated and decided for the tenth annual TID Award to divide the “commercial space” category into “shopping space”, “restaurant space” and “leisure space.” We hope to allow more talented designers to emerge.

    The “excellence” of a space can be derived from tangible aesthetics or material constructions, or it can be derived from intangible five senses or temporal poetics; it can allow cultural memories to emerge in contemporary spaces, and it can let nature be transformed into living landscapes. These multifaceted ideas and experiments, through all kinds of spatial contraction and expansion, have become explicit forms of boundlessness. I think this is what I take away with me after this year’s jury process, to look for this kind of indescribable energy in the design projects.

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