A concise writing resource for anxious college students.
You’ve just been assigned your very first college paper. Are you unsure of how to start? Do you feel stressed about failing, or are you worried that you’ll have to pull all-nighters to get the work done? And what even is APA style? If you feel uncertain, stuck, or overwhelmed, be encouraged, because this book has the tools you need to own that assignment! The quick, concise chapters of TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) will help you identify your audience, create an outline, get a handle on grammar and sentence structure, correctly quote a source, and write a strong conclusion. If you want to know what and how professors expect you to write--and why--so you can get those grades with as little pain as possible, this is the book for you. This book will show you how to write better papers, and it’s short, so you should read it!