Jeremy Orlando (1973- Now) was born in a hospital and feels no need to reveal anymore than that. Jeremy is the author of four published works of fiction; the merits of which may be debatable. What is not debatable is that none of these books are critically acclaimed, have won any major awards or will be developed into Hollywood summer blockbusters. Jeremy often likes to refer to himself in the third person as he imagines this to be funny, Dostoyevsky is not funny, yet merely saying this name aloud makes him smile, Jeremy I mean, and not Dostoyevsky. Jeremy does not consider himself a writer in a classical sense, and instead would most likely imagine himself as a conveyor of ideas and ’what ifs’, and will argue long and hard that there is merit to be found in this, you just have to look really, really hard. Jeremy would also consider himself to be far more intelligent than he actually is, not to mention taller.