To Hurt, To Bleed, To Heal - "In this three-part collection of poems and illustrations, an empathic author triumphs over personal and collective trauma within the pain of a dysfunctional society ripe for change.
In these poems, I bleed before you . . . Where do we start but with the self. But the self never truly exists in isolation, removed from its extremities, or it could not be whole. We cannot protest the impulse to feel, internalize, and react to our surroundings. And in doing so, this shapes how we choose to project ourselves.
cloaks the breast of many able.
as help they can, but hide in thought.
their picture perfect in eyes alone.
and sable saucers where stars once shone.
but many moons still name
the sable skies a home to tame.
so they offer their light
and grow dull to sight.
as clouds give birth
to silver rain.