臺灣之產業朝短小輕薄之高單價產品發展,導致進出口之貨櫃量成長遲緩,而鄰近競爭港埠之貨源呈快速成長,復受船舶大型化等航運發展趨勢之影響,目前臺灣國際商港之競爭力已相對處於不利環境中。為因應此一變遷,本研究建議臺灣港埠除以「強化海運樞紐地位」為發展方向之外,更應積極尋求轉型,如朝向「開創永續發展港埠」之發展方向,亦即建議臺灣港港埠朝向『貨櫃港』、『物流港』、『綠色港/生態港』、以及『知識港』等多元功能發展。此外,本研究進行問卷調查,受訪者普遍認為強化物流港功能之因應策略應甚於強化貨櫃港功能,易言之,未來臺灣港埠之發展除強化貨櫃港功能,更應朝向高服務品質、高附加價值之方向發展;而就「開創永續發展港埠」而言,受訪者認為嚴格監控船舶對環境之污染、以及強化櫃場營運專業知識之累積與研發能量等港埠相關單位可自行掌控之因應策略較為有效。成果效益與應用情形:本研究業已召開研討會,將相關研究成果發表,與產官學研各界共同分享本研究之成果。在施政上,可提供大部與港務局在研擬貨櫃運輸政策、港埠發展政策之參考;在實務上,可提供貨櫃航商及相關業者在營運上之參考。 The ever-evolving international maritime transportation market brings fierce competition among major ports in the Asia-Pacific region. To attract the major global liner carriers, ports in this region not only heavily invest in modernizing port infrastructures, but also aggressively reform the port administrative system. In recent years, Taiwan has been facing structural changes in her industries. Small-sized, high-priced products have become her main export. In contrast to the fast-growing cargo volume in the hinterland of neighboring ports, Taiwan’s ports are pushed to a disadvantageous position in the games of port competition. To encounter these trends, in one way this research proposes “Strengthening the Maritime Hub” as the defending means and in the other way proposes “Creating the Everlasting Port” to find new ways of revitalizing Taiwan’s ports. To strengthen the maritime hub, we have to enhance “Container Ports” and “Logistic Ports” functions. To create the everlasting port, we must search methods of building “Green Port/ Eco-ports” and “Knowledge Ports”. Questionnaires were used to find the opinions about the effective ways of enhancing port competitive abilities and reactive strategies. According to the investigation, to build a strong logistic port should be prior to adding functions of a container port. It means that the developing directions of Taiwan’s ports should go toward high service qualities and high adding values. As of creating an sustainable development port, the anti-pollution policies are more effective than creating knowledge ports. BENEFITS AND APPLICATIONS: We have held a seminar to present the results of the study. Moreover, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications or the port authorities can refer to the results for making policies. Container carriers or other companies can also consult it for their business operation.