近岸防救災系統的建立是在21世紀配合臺灣要邁向海洋國家最重要的施政項目之一。本研究屬交通部運輸研究所「臺灣近岸防救災預警系統技術與作業化之研究」計畫規劃四年合作研究計畫之第二年,主要工作有以下幾項: (1)台北港及高雄港區及附近海域海流及波浪計算與即時模擬上線。(2)七港區作業化預報操作及成果評估。(3)風、浪、潮及流長期模擬。(4)波浪相關模式建置。(5)建立近岸防救災預報展示資訊系統。(6)網站資料更新維護與技術之轉移。本年度本研究執行完成後,可得到以下的成果: (1)本土化波浪、水位及流場數值模式,可提供環島海域及港區之波場、水位場及流場之預測與即時資訊。(2)整合性近岸防救災預報系統:包括風壓預報系統、波浪預報系統、水位預報系統、流場預報系統、洩油污染模擬系統等5個系統。(3)年度侵臺颱風期及典型季風期之風場、氣壓、波浪、水位及海流模擬預報及檢驗成果評估。(4)整合臺灣環島海岸觀測水位資料,及數值模擬結果,迅速且經確的提供海岸溢淹之預警資訊。(5)區域性之風浪模式及流場模式,迅速的提供港口航運安全所需之風浪、流場等預警資訊。(6)油污擴散數值模式,以能訊速正確掌控海岸油污染擴散現象,以供環境災害防護措施之使用。本年度本研究執行完成後,可得到以下的效益及應用: (1)颱風造成大規模的人命財產損失,近岸防救災系統的建立可提昇防災抗災能力,以減低災害的衝擊。(2)本預警系統平時提供即時水位及流場等海象資訊,以供各港務局港口船舶交通航運安全使用,在颱風期間,或面臨緊急海難及各種海岸災害等防救時,也迅速提供救災必要資訊。
In order to protect the coastal area and maximize the applications for stepping into the 21st century marine nation, require measures to protect human lives and properties along the coast. Designs, which based on statistical analysis of historical data, are no longer sufficient due to the global climate changes. The return periods analyzed for various constructions are not suitable for the crucial conditions recently faced in the world. Therefore, the setting up of a coastal defense and rescue system is the top priority of the national policies for Taiwan to become a 21st century ocean nation. This project is a part of a four-year program entitled “Technology and Operation of a Pre-warning System for Near-shore Disaster Prevention and Rescue” approved by the Executive Yuan. The major items of the achievements of the second year are as follows: 1.On-line operations of the models along the Taipei Harbor and the Kaohsiung Harbor areas. 2.Evaluation of the on-line operations for the 7 major harbors. 3.Long-term simulation of the winds, waves, tides and tidal currents. 4.Developments of wave correlation models for the 7 harbors. 5.Setup coastal defense on-line information system. 6.Maintenance of web pages and technology transfer. As of the end of the project, the estimated results will be as follows: 1.Development of local coastal model for simulating wave, tide, currents and oil spills. 2.Integration of the defense system including wind predictions, waves and tide forecast systems, and dispersion simulation system. 3.Evaluation of the operations during this year’s typhoon periods. 4.Integration of the observations and the model predictions for the use of a flooding warning system. 5.Providing wave and tidal information for the navigation of the 7 harbors. 6.Oil spill predictions can offer quick and precise information for the necessary risk response system. As of the end of the project, the estimated benefits and applications will be as follows: 1.Typhoons cause a large scale of human lives and properties to be lost. The establishment of the defense system will increase the capacity of disaster prevention and reduce the impact of disaster. 2.The prediction system provides oceanographic information to various harbor bureaus, and also provides necessary disaster rescue information during a typhoon or when facing emergency coastal disasters.