全書編纂中英文,文辭深入淺出,引經據典,出處可尋,巨細糜遺,是洋學生學習中華古文名句的濫觴。也是當代華語文教材中,古文學習最充實、簡易實用,值得採用的一部教本。──前國立臺灣師範大學國語文中心主任 葉德明教授
前國立臺灣師範大學國語文中心主任 葉德明
政大華語文碩博士學位學程講座教授 顧百里
國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系教授 曾金金
這是一本適用於英語國家的漢語課程或通識教育文化課程的教科書,也是提供全球所有漢語非母語的學習者(CSL-Chinese as Second Language Learners)「自學」關於中華儒家文化的引導書籍。
【ACTFL OPI 模式的模擬口試】提供口語練習的話題實例以及角色扮演等活動;
【生詞的延伸學習】以TOCFL 和 HSK 詞彙做整理;
Short Biography of the Writer – Dr. Celia Liu劉亮吟
Dr. Celia Liu is currently the Academic Director of Chinese Studies at the Department of World Languages and Cultures, The College of New Jersey.Dr. Liu received her Doctor of Education degree from the Graduate School of Education The University of Pennsylvania. (Upenn.) She also has an M.A.T. (Master of Arts in Teaching) from Rutgers University, an MBA (Master in Business Administration) in Public Accounting and an M.S. (Master of Science) in Taxation from Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business.
With this cross-disciplinary background, Dr. Liu’s teaching experiences covers Chinese Languages and Philosophy courses, International Transitional Seminar and Accounting courses at The College of New Jersey and the Rutgers Business School. She holds a certification of eligibility for K-12 World Language Education and Early Childhood Education in the State of New Jersey. She maintains a full certification as a tester for the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Oral Proficiency Interview examination since 2015.
She has conducted numerous Internet Teaching Training workshops, and seminars sponsored by the Taiwan Overseas Community Affair Council (OCAC), the National Council of Associations of Chinese Schools (NCACLS) and ACTFL for Chinese language teachers regionally and nationwide. She also taught Technology-Teaching courses for the STARTALK Program at Toledo University.
She composes language-teaching contents for workshops and was the principal writer for the online Mandarin course at Rutgers University. Being heavily involved with community services, Dr. Liu served many positions in the local organization and community Chinese school boards and was frequently invited to local, schools, and college students’ events as a guest speaker on cross-cultural topics. She served as a board member at the community Chinese School Associations, Chinese language immersion school, and NECTFL (Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), one of five regional organizations in the U.S. that belong to and work alongside the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
第一章 【孝順】xiào shùn
Chapter 1 Quotes related to filial piety
Three top quotes about “Filial Piety”:
While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance. If he does go abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.”
【論語第四.里仁篇.第19節】The Analects, Chapter 4 Li-Ren, Verse 19
Parents are anxious lest their children should be sick.
【論語第二.為政篇.第6節】The Analects, Chapter 2 Wei-Zheng, Verse 6
The years of parents may by no means not be kept in the memory, as an occasion at once for joy and for fear.
【論語第四.里仁篇.第21節】The Analects, Chapter 4 Li-Ren, Verse 21
名言一 父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方。
Quote 1 While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance. If he does go abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.”
(一) 逐字翻譯 Learn the original text and its meaning
fù mǔ zài, bù yuǎn yóu, yóu bì yǒu fāng.
parents父母 father父親 mother母親at,around,stillalive在家
While your parents are still alive,
bù不yu n遠yóu遊,
do not不可以 far遠方,遠行 travel旅遊
you should not travel far.
yóu遊bì必y u有fāng方。
travel遊玩、旅遊 must必要,必定 have有 要有 direction方向
If you need to travel, you should always tell your parents where you are.
(二) 白話解釋原文
Explanation with the modern text
父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方 。
While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance. If he does go
abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.
1. 白話解釋
父母還在(= 還健在= 活著)的時候,孩子不應該到遠方旅遊,因為父母會擔
While your parents are still living, children should not travel far. This is because
the parents will worry about their children’s safety, and they will miss their
children. When the children need to travel, they should tell their parents where they
are traveling to.
2. 生詞
生詞Vocabulary拼音Pin Yin英文English詞類Part of Speech
1 健在= 活著jiàn zài =huó zhe at, alive, around adjective
2 應該yīng gāi should verb
3 遠方yuǎn fāng far places noun
4 旅遊lǚ yóu to travel verb
5 擔心dān xīn to worry verb
6 安全ān quán safety noun
7 想念xiǎng niàn whereabout verb
8 去向qù xiàng direction noun
(三) 延伸對話與生詞
Extended learning with sentence practices
1. 會話
A: 你的父母在不在家?
Are your parents at home?
B: 在。他們在家,請等一下。
Yes. They are at home. Please wait for a minute.
A: 下個月我會去中國旅遊。
I am going to travel to China next month.
B: 你旅遊的時候,要記得給你的父母發短信,向他們報平安。
Whenever you are traveling, you should send a text message to your parents
to let them know that you are safe.
2. 生詞
生詞Vocabulary拼音Pin Yin英文English詞類Part of Speech
1 在家zài jiā at home Vs
2 請qǐng please verb
3 等一下děng yí xià wait a minute noun
4 下個月xià gè yuè next month noun
5 中國zhōng guó China noun
6 發短信fā duǎn xìn to send a text message verb
7 報平安bào píng ān to report one’s safety verb
(四) 孔子故事
Stories about Confucius’ life and his teaching
Confucius’ early childhood and his parents.
孔子在西元前551 年(B.C.E.)周朝春秋時代的魯國(現在的中國山東省
Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E. in the State of Lu (in present-day Qufu,
Shandong Province, China), during the Spring and Autumn period of the Zhou
dynasty. Confucius’ father, Kong-He (or Shu-Liang-He), an official from the Lu
State, had nine daughters and a crippled son from his first marriage. In his older
age (near 70’s), he asked Confucius’ mother, Yan Zheng-Zai, to marry him*. They
prayed for a son on a hill. When they had Confucius next year, they name him,
“Qiu”, meaning “Hill.” His capping name (literary name) is Zhong-Ni. Confucius’
father passed away when Confucius was three years old, so his mother raised him
on her .own.
1 In KongZi Shijia, it was recorded that Confucius’ parents had a “wild union”( 野
合) then gave birth to Confucius. Some translated this as extra-marital union or had
a child out of wedlock.
【史記.孔子世家.第1 節】Shiji, Kongzi Shijia, Verse 1
【孔子家語.第39 章.本姓解.第1 節】Kongzi Jiayu, Chapter 39 Ben-Xing-
Jie, Verse 1
(五) 論語名言的現代價值評論
Commentary about this ancient text with modern values
Ancient Text:父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方。
While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a
distance. If he does go abroad, he must have a fixed place to
which he goes.
【論語第四.里仁篇.第19 節 】The Analects, Chapter 4 Li-Ren, Verse 19
Modern Values Commentary by: Alexander Viola
Traveling and ultimately living away from your parents is a granted part of a
typically envisioned successful American life. Young adults are expected to take
off from their nests: off to college, to career, and beyond, fashioning brilliant,
independent lives and eventually roosts of their own. So ingrained is this ideal,
it would be almost unreasonable to have a child not roam as they come of age.
However, Confucius importantly—and perhaps knowingly—doesn’t preclude
the very possibility of travel, but merely adds a condition. Let your parents know
where you are. If not roving away from your parents is impossible, following that
one rule certainly is possible—it is no more than an easy call or brief text message,
nowadays. So easy and so brief as to often make it a forgettable thing for a busy
person. Even at the frequent entreaties of parents, doing so misses our minds on
occasion. What might help us to remember is to really understand why they ask this
communication of us, something the conciseness of this quote invites us to ponder.
I think having empathy towards our parents leads us to the answer, as simple and
as human as it is: they worry about us. They just want to know that we are safe,
happy, and healthy where we are—wherever we are. Once we truly comprehend
that, as we see the humanity of our own parents and understand the mercy that such
a simple message might mean, I imagine it will become quite difficult not to send
Alexander Viola 韋明達
Computer Science Major,
The College of New Jersey, USA
(六) 模擬口語考試討論話題
Suggested topics for oral proficiency interview (OPI)
While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance. If he does go
abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.
1. 你外出時,會不會先告訴你的父母?為什麼?請說明你覺得為什麼應該告
Do you always let your parents know when you go out? Do you think we should
let our parents know where we are going; why or why not?
【中級、高級 – 描述/敘述Intermediate to Advanced Level – can narrate and
2. 下個月你想要和朋友去旅遊,你們要去比較遠的地方過夜。你會怎麼跟你
Next mouth, you want to travel with your friends to a far place overnight. How
would you tell your parents so that they will not be worried about your travel? (I
will play the role of your parents. Please talk to me about your weekend plans.)
【中級、高級 – 角色扮演Intermediate to Advanced Level – role play】
第一章 【孝順】xiào shùn
Chapter 1 Quotes related to filial piety
Three top quotes about “Filial Piety”:
While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance. If he does go abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.”
【論語第四.里仁篇.第19節】The Analects, Chapter 4 Li-Ren, Verse 19
Parents are anxious lest their children should be sick.
【論語第二.為政篇.第6節】The Analects, Chapte...
推薦序一 Prefix 1/葉德明 (3)
推薦序二 Prefix 2/顧百里 (4)
推薦序三 Prefix 3/曾金金 (5)
關於本書和作者 Introduction of this book and the author (6)
推薦教學指引 Teaching Guides (15)
課程活動與課後作業 Class Activities and Assignments (15)
文化討論話題 Topics for Culture Discussion (29)
第一章 孝順 1
Chapter 1 Quotes related to filial piety
第二章 朋友 21
Chapter 2 Quotes related to friendship
第三章 君子或小人 41
Chapter 3 Quotes related to a gentleman or a pitiful man
第四章 學習 59
Chapter 4 Quotes related to learning
第五章 禮 77
Chapter 5 Quotes related to propriety
第六章 快樂 99
Chapter 6 Quotes related to happiness in life
第七章 音樂 125
Chapter 7 Quotes related to music
第八章 仁愛 147
Chapter 8 Quotes related to benevolence
第九章 道德 169
Chapter 9 Quotes related to virtues
第十章 政治 189
Chapter 10 Quotes related to politics
附錄 215
附錄一 生詞延伸學習—漢語水平考試(HSK) 和華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)
Extended Vocabulary Learning on HSK & TOCFL 216
附錄二 美國總統在演說中引用中文古名言之實例 World Leaders Quoting the
Analects or Chinese Proverb 301
附錄三 東西方古代哲學家對照年誌圖 Timeline of Western and Chinese
philosophers 323
推薦序一 Prefix 1/葉德明 (3)
推薦序二 Prefix 2/顧百里 (4)
推薦序三 Prefix 3/曾金金 (5)
關於本書和作者 Introduction of this book and the author (6)
推薦教學指引 Teaching Guides (15)
課程活動與課後作業 Class Activities and Assignments (15)
文化討論話題 Topics for Culture Discussion (29)
第一章 孝順 1
Chapter 1 Quotes related to filial piety
第二章 朋友 21
Chapter 2 Quotes related to friendship
第三章 君子或小人 41
Chapter 3 Quotes related to a gentleman or a pitifu...