本報告為臺灣第一次依據國際自然保育聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature)建議類別與標準對所有原生鳥種進行國家鳥類紅皮書名錄評估。納入評估候選 鳥種共627 種,其中311 種不適用(Not Applicable)區域評估篩選門檻,316 種進入評 估流程。結果臺灣有52 種或亞種國家受脅(Nationally Threatened)鳥類,其中屬國家極 危(Nationally Critical) 類別有 6 種或亞種,屬國家瀕危(Nationally Endangered)類別有 13 種或亞種,屬國家易危(Nationally Vulnerable)類別有 33 種或亞種,另有31 種或亞種歸 於國家接近受脅(Nationally Near-threatened)。國家受脅及接近受脅鳥種數分別占評估 鳥種數的16.5% 及9.8%,以及總鳥種數的8.3% 及4.9%。另出現於臺灣的全球受脅鳥種有 37 種,其中14 種屬國家受脅,1 種屬國家接近受脅,22 種列於Not Applicable。
This report is the first National Red List compiled by Taiwan in accordance with the suggested guidelines and criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to assess all of the native bird species. A total of 627 candidate species was selected, 311 of which did not fulfill the inclusion criteria (categorized as Not Applicable), and the remaining 316 species were subjected to subsequent evaluation. The results showed that 52 and 31 taxa were categorized as Nationally Threatened and Nationally Nearthreatened, respectively, corresponding to 16.5% and 9.8% of the evaluated species and 8.3% and 4.9% of the total number of bird species in Taiwan. The evaluation results were ranked on the basis of the IUCN Red List categories, assigning six, 13 and 33 taxa as Nationally Critical, Nationally Endangered and Nationally Vulnerable, respectively. In addition, 37 species were categorized as Globally Threatened by IUCN, among which 14 were also categorized as Nationally Threatened, and one was Nationally Near-threatened, while 22 were Not Applicable.