""I was there earlyon Linsanity.
我早就是林書豪的球迷了--歐巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama),美國第44任總統。
Whether you're an Asian-American kid, or a white kid or a black kid, you just see someone who has worked so hard and hadn't had the opportunity. And finally gets the opportunity and breaks through.
--美國教育部部長阿恩•鄧肯(Arne Duncan), 2012。
“A great story,” Bryant said. “It’s a testament to perseverance and hard work. A good example for kids everywhere.”
他(林書豪)的經歷是一個偉大的故事,一個通過自己的努力實現奇跡的例子,他可以成為全世界年輕人們的好榜樣。--科比.布萊恩特(Kobe Bryant),NBA球員(Los Angeles Lakers)。
「林書豪的表現在尼克隊所造成的轟動就像是好萊嗚真實上演麻雀變鳳凰的故事一樣。」(The true Hollywood story of the Knick sensation who's taken over New York in less than a week.)--New York Daily Newsy