1、 無法「望文生義」卻時常使用的輕鬆有趣用語,譬如吹牛、吃醋…等。
This book is aimed at all those who are interested in learning the Chinese language.
Looking at the trend of language-learning today, we find that learning Chinese has already become main stream. The number of foreigners learning Chinese is increasing daily. Those who were far sighted have stealthily learned the National Phonetic Symbols b, p,m,f.….those who urgently need Chinese try to take time off their busy schedules and study at Chinese language institutes.
If you want not only to speak Chinese, but also to speak it like a native, then this book will be the best choice for you.
The features of this book are :
1.A collection of interesting expressions for daily use including many whose literal meaning is unclear. For example, "ch&i ni6u" ( lit. "to blow the ox") really means: "to talk big". "ch! c)"(lit. "to eat vinegar") really means:"to be jealous", etc.
2.It provides a selection of expressions that can not be found on the bookshelves of local bookstores.
3.All expressions and examples contain phonetic transcriptions that are easy to understand for those who can not read Chinese characters, as well as English translations.
We do believe this book will be a great help for those who want to learn better Chinese. It will also become a book you will want to carry everywhere to help you win admiration from all your Chinese friends, and it will greatly enhance your confidence in speaking better Chinese.