本論文集收錄「2008台北雙年展國際論壇:戰爭辭典」之14篇文稿。本屆「2008雙年展國際論壇」與德國的「戰爭辭典」網站(Dictionary of War, http://www.dictionaryofwar.org)合作,創造當代有關戰爭論述中扮演重要角色的關鍵性概念,藉以檢視戰爭與和平的現存權力關係,其所探討的概念詞彙扣緊「戰爭」的主題卻不拘泥於此,蘊含著更廣泛地對於每日可見與不可見的暴力與衝突的詮釋,包括軍事、經濟、文化、以及社會各層面。
This publication includes 14 papers from the 2008 Taipei Biennial Feature: Dictionary of War. The event is programmed in cooperation with the German website Dictionary of War (http://dictionaryofwar.org), and intends to create new key concepts which play an important role in the contemporary discourse of war. The purpose is to provide a more extensive explanation of both apparent and invisible violence and conflicts that occur everyday on military, economic, cultural and social levels.