1. Enhancement of Corporate Governance in Small to Medium Size Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) in Hong Kong from the Board’s Perspective
1. 香港可持續發展水資源 Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
1. A Study on Innovation and e-Service Quality for Developing e-Retailing Mass Entrepreneurship
1. Unlocking the Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Enhancement of Change Management for Construction Projects in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from the Project Manager’s Perspectivefrom the Project Manager’s Perspective
1. 精益六西格瑪實施流程及關鍵成功因素分析 “Continuous Improvement” towards world class Construction Industry secret
1. The Impact of Occupational Stress on Work Performance of Civil Engineering Project Managers
1. The Effectiveness of Health Literacy Oriented Programs on Physical Activity Behaviour in Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review