政府為改善臺灣本島與離島,及各離島間居民之海上交通運輸服務,多年來協助地方於商港區域外闢建交通船碼頭(提供交通運輸功能之客船、貨船及客貨小船停靠之碼頭),改善相關旅運安全設施,並透過補助地方政府購置船舶及提供大眾運輸海運營運補貼等政策,以提供國人安全的海上搭船環境。惟政府預算爭取不易,而商港區域外之交通船碼頭改善所需經費不斷增加,為妥善利用有限的財源,商港區域外之交通船碼頭應有通盤性的檢討與整體性的規劃,以充分發揮整體港埠功能。本計畫透過實際瞭解商港區域外交通船碼頭設施現況及經營管理問題,並經由相關法規探討及未來發展定位探討,研擬經營管理策略及設施改善相關建議,可提供未來政府改善交通船碼頭旅運安全之施政參考。 The central government has been working on supporting the local government to build ferry wharves in fishing harbors for either freighters or passenger-freighters in order to improve the transportation safety and provide more comfortable boarding environments. Thus financial support, though limited, is continuingly provided in terms of purchasing boats and maintaining the transporting service. However, in the difficulty of budget limitation, a professionally integrated plan is extremely needed. In this program, we study the recent regulations and construct the future development of the ferry wharves with the aim of providing suggestions for the government on improving the transportation environment.