3. 範例一:自行車座墊(Bicycle seat)
3.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Import scanned model)
3.2 編輯修補模型(Edit and repair the model)
3.3 產生曲線(Create curves)
3.4 產生智慧曲面(Create smart surface)
3.5 將曲面模型轉化成實體模型並加厚(Convert in to a solid shell)
3.6 將實體轉化成8節點元素模型(Convert into 8 nodes solid)
3.7 輸出CAD模型(Export CAD Model)
3.8 在CAD軟體開啟模型(Open the model in CAD software)
3.9 Autodesk PowerShanpe 2018版介面操作範例(Autodesk PowerShanpe 2018 version introduction)
4. 範例二:曲面技巧(Surfacing techniques)
4.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Import original model)
4.2 繪製曲線(Create curves)
4.3 產生智慧曲面(Smart surface)
4.4 量取凹陷部分的幾何參數(Measure cross section parameters)
4.5 截取凹陷部分剖面曲線(Create cross section curve)
4.6 產生凹陷部分的錐形曲面(Create the conical surface)
4.7 產生上沿凸圓角(Create fillet)
4.8 製作底部平面(Create the flat surface at the bottom)
4.9 產生底部凹形圓角(Create the bottom fillet)
4.10 同樣方法完成另一邊的凹陷曲面(Same method to complete the other side)
4.11 將曲面轉換成實體,加厚並轉換成8節點元素的實體(Convert surface into solid, thicken into 2mm and transform into 8-node solid model)
4.12 輸出模型(Export the model)
4.13 在CAD軟體中開啟模型(Open the model in CAD software)
5. 範例三:風扇葉片(Fan blades)
5.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Import the scanned point cloud)
5.2 從掃描點雲資料生成三角網格(Create mesh from point cloud )
5.3 在原點處產生座標(Create a coordinate at (0, 0, 0))
5.4 產生一個圓柱體(Create a cylinder)
5.5 將網格模型與圓柱定位(Align the fan to the cylinder)
5.6 將網格模型上的葉片部分切割出來(Separate the blade from the hub)
5.7 清理網格模型(Clean the mesh)
5.8 產生曲面(Create surface)
5.9 曲面轉換成實體厚面(Convert surface into solid)
5.10 以葉片邊界曲線產生伸展曲面(Create extrusion surface with bordering curve)
5.11 用伸展曲面來切割實體葉片(Trim the blade with the extrusion surface)
5.12 對葉片邊緣進行圓角(Create Fillet for the edge of blade)
5.13 將葉片轉換成8節點的實體模型(Convert into 8-nodes solid model)
5.14 產生輪轂(Create the hub)
5.15 輪轂上進行材料切除(Make a cut in the hub)
5.16 環狀陣列(Create pattern of the cut)
5.17 中心鑽制軸孔(Drill a hole for the shaft)
5.18 葉片環狀陣列(Pattern for the blades)
5.19 輸出CAD檔(Export into CAD format)
5.20 在CAD軟體中開啟(Open the model in CAD program)
6. 範例四:把手模型(Handle)
6.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Input original model)
6.2 建立座標(Create work coordinate)
6.3 產生剖面線及旋轉曲面(Create cross sectional curves and rotational surface)
6.4 產生綜合邊界曲線以及平面圓環
6.5 將所有曲面暫存某一圖層
6.6 建立球面部分的中心座標(Create a coordinate for the sphere part)
6.7 繪製輔助直線(Draw a straight line)
6.8 剪裁線段(Trim the curves)
6.9 移動座標至中點(Move the coordinate)
6.10 產生球形曲面並儲存於曲面圖層
6.11 產生錐杆部分的剖面線
6.12 產生圓錐曲面(Create the conical surface)
6.13 長度方向延伸曲面(Extend the conical surface)
6.14 產生相交曲線(Generate cross section curve)
6.15 裁剪曲面(Trim the surface)
6.16 將曲面轉換成實體(Convert the surfaces into solid)
6.17 結合成為同一個實體(Join solids into one body)
7. 範例五:水龍頭模型(Shower head)
7.1 輸入原始掃描檔案並編輯修補模型
7.2 建立模型重心點座標(Create a work coordinate)
7.3 生成必要的剖面曲線(Create cross section curves)
7.4 產生噴頭旋轉曲面(Create rotational surface of the head)
7.5 產生聯接管處旋轉曲面(Create rotational surface for pipe connection)
7.6 產生邊界綜合曲線(Create composite curve)
7.7 重新分佈曲線上的節點(Redistribute the points on the curves)
7.8 產生曲面(Create surface)
7.9 將曲面轉換成實體(Convert surface into solid)
7.10 在蓮蓬頭上鑽噴水孔(Drill a hole for the nozzle)
7.11 噴水孔直線陣列(Linear pattern for the nozzle hole)
7.12 噴水孔環狀陣列(Circular pattern for the nozzle hole)
8. 範例六:汽車輪轂(Wheel)
8.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Open the file)
8.2 裁剪邊緣(Trim the edge ring)
8.3 填補破孔(Hole filling)
8.4 光滑化(Smoothing)
8.5 修剪(Trimming)
8.6 截取並編輯剖面曲線(Create cross sectional curves)
8.7 產生旋轉曲面(Create revolving surface)
8.8 利用旋轉曲面修剪實體輪轂(Trim the solid with surface)
8.9 輪轂上進行減重除料(Make the weight reduction cut)
8.10 環狀陣列(Circular pattern the cut and fillet the edges)
8.11 產生螺栓孔(Create bolt hole)
8.12 環狀陣列(Circular pattern the holes)
8.13 開啟其他圖層展示輪子組合體(Open other layers to show the whole assembly)
9. 範例七:客制化安全帽(Helmet)
9.1 輸入原始掃描檔案並編輯修補模型
9.2 填補破孔(Fill the holes)
9.3 手動細化網格(Refine Mesh)
9.4 刪除曲面上的分割線(Delete parting line)
9.5 產生相交曲線(Create intersection curve)
9.6 利用相交曲線裁切頭部網格(Cut the mesh wth curve)
9.7 產生剖面曲線(Create Cross-section curves)
9.8 產生曲面(Create a surface)
9.9 曲面往外偏移(Create an offset)
9.10 曲面反向(Reverse orientation)
9.11 倒圓角(Make a fillet)
9.12 外殼造型(Morph helmet shape)
9.13 敷貼造型曲線至安全帽表面(Wrap a pattern)
9.14 在敷貼曲線上繪製一個剖面圓
9.15 產生敷貼圖案曲面(Make a drive curve surface)
9.16 曲面倒圓角(Make a fillet)
9.17 敷貼浮雕(Wrap relief)
9.18 改變浮雕顏色(Change color for the relief)
10. 範例八:醫學應用─臉頰創傷修補(Medical Application)
10.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Import scanned model)
10.2 在完好的面頰一邊繪製封閉曲線
10.3 建立中心座標(Create a working coordinate at the center of the model)
10.4 將曲線鏡射(Mirror the curve)
10.5 產生曲面(Create surface)
10.6 將曲面轉換為實體(Convert the surface into solid)
10.7 加厚實體(Thicken the piece)
10.8 輸出成為CAD檔案(Export as CAD model)
10.9 在CAD軟體中開啟
11. 範例九:掃描資料定位(Alignment)
11.1 輸入原始掃描檔案(Import scanned model)
11.2 隱藏點雲,僅顯示網格模型(Hide point clouds)
11.3 隱藏身體部分,僅顯示頭部模型(Hide the body portion)
11.4 參考點定位(小熊面部)(Reference points alignment(Face))
11.5 最佳化定位(小熊面部)(Automatic optimized alignment(Face))
11.6 結合模型(小熊面部)(Join the two aligned pieces(Face))
11.7 參考點定位(小熊背面頭部)(Reference point alignment(Back head))
11.8 最佳化定位(小熊背面頭部)(Automatic best fit alignment(The face and the back))
11.9 完成所有模型定位並縫合成一體(Complete alignment for all pieces and join them together)
12. 範例十:從2D照片建立3D模型(From 2D pictures to 3D model)
12.1 開啟SolidWorks新的零件檔(Start a new part file)
12.2 顯示座標平面,並以等視角展現(Showing work planes and isometric view)
12.3 在「地板上」繪製以草圖(Make a sketch on the “floor”)
12.4 在草圖上插入風扇的俯視照片(M-10-Fan-01.png)(Insert the over-view picture(M-10-Fan-01.png) of the fan into the sketch)
12.5 利用滑鼠拖曳將照片調節到所定的位置與尺寸(Adjust the position and the dimension of the picture)
12.6 退出草圖並以等視角檢視(Complete sketch)
12.7 在圖示方位建立新的平面(Create an offset plane for side view)
12.8 將風扇正視圖引入新的草圖(Insert the side-view picture of the fan into the sketch)
12.9 以等視角檢視(Isometric view for clarity)
12.10 產生風扇的軸心圓柱(Create the hub for the fan)
12.11 以疊層拉伸產生風扇葉片的曲面(Create blade surface with loft surface method)
12.12 風扇葉片加厚(Thicken the blade)
12.13 切割葉片外型(Trim the blade to the outside profile)
12.14 葉片倒圓角(Make fillets on the blade edges)
12.15 建立基準中心線(Create a center axis)
12.16 葉片環狀陣列(Circular pattern of the blades)
12.17 為風扇軸心圓柱倒圓角(Make fillet for the hub)
12.18 從汽車投影視圖建立3D立體模型I(Create a 3D car model from 2D pictures I)
12.19 從汽車投影視圖建立3D立體模型II(Create a 3D car model from 2D pictures II)
13. 範例十一:應用於內部結構的逆向工程技術(Reverse Engineering for inner structiurs)
13.1 3D-Doctor®基礎及輸入檔案格式(Basics of 3D-Doctor® and Import format)
13.2 標定(Calibration)
13.3 建立新圖層(Establish a new layer)
13.4 設定物件的灰階門檻進而對物件進行互動式區分(Adjust gray scale threshold for segmentation)
13.5 渲染/彩現(Rendering)
13.6 輸出模型(Export the 3D model)
13.7 電腦自動設定物件的灰階門檻進而對物件進行區分(Auto-segmentation by computer)
13.8 渲染/彩現(Rendering)
13.9 提高清晰度及高分辨度(Higher definition and more detailed segmentations)
附錄1 曲面及實體基本概念(Basics of surface and solid modeling)
1.1 曲面(Surface)
1.2 實體(Solids)
1.3 曲面與實體(Surface & Solid)
附錄2 逆向工程曲面鋪設技巧範例影片之簡介(Brief Introduction for surfacing tip videos)