From 80+ evocative photographs, pregnant high visions, come poetic echoes of measured pulses and impulses. Two artists, father and son, engaging in a cross-cultural, multi-generational dialogue with rhythmic, vital energy, tracing for the reader an odyssey of cultural and living complexes, explore the push-and-pull interactions between poetry's linguistic signs (seething images in the heart/mind) and photography's visual signs. We experience in this gap what American poet Ezra Pound called the “inter-recognition” between arts, “where paintings or sculptures seem", as it were, “just coming over to speech.”
Jonas Yip is a fine art photographer and musician based in the Los Angeles area. Born in Princeton, New Jersey to a poet-writer-professor father and an art historian mother, Jonas was raised in a creative environment steeped in art and music, poetry and performance, design and architecture, and plenty of world travel. Yet somehow Jonas became an engineer, building a successful career in Silicon Valley startup companies. Over the years, however, he never stopped pursuing his creative passions: music, design, and photography. Jonas has since left the high-tech world to concentrate exclusively on these smaller, more personal projects.
Jonas has been honored with numerous photography awards and his work has been exhibited internationally. Following the publication of the first edition of this book, Paris: Dialogues and Meditations (Nanjing University Press, 2008), an exhibition of photographs and poems excerpted from the book traveled through Taiwan, China and Hong Kong and was also exhibited at the San Diego Museum of Art and the University of California, San Diego. The photographs and poems from the series have been accepted into the permanent collections at the San Diego Museum of Art in San Diego, CA and the National Museum of Chinese Literature in Beijing, China.
葉氏詩作、理論、翻譯著作五十餘種,重要的有《賦格》、《三十年詩》、《比較詩學》、《歷史.傳釋.美學》、《解讀現代.後現代》、《中國詩學》、《道家美學與西方文化》,以及Ezra Pound’s Cathay, Hiding the Universe: Poems of Wang Wei, Chinese Poetry: Major Modes and Genres等。近十年來,臺灣大陸相繼展出他的手稿和數度為他的理論和詩作舉辦國際性研討會。2002-2004年安徽教育出版社出版其全集九大卷。鑒於他巨大的成果,2005年加州大學授予卓越教授榮譽。
Wai-lim Yip has been active as a bicultural poet, translator, critic and theorist with special contributions to East-West comparative literature, aesthetics and comparative poetics between Taiwan and America for over 45 years. He was born in Guangdong Province, China, in 1937. He received his B.A. and M.A. in English in Taiwan, his MFA from the University of Iowa and his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at Princeton University. Wai-lim Yip has written more than 50 books in two languages, many of which have been widely read in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, chief among them, Fugue, Thirty Years of Poetry, Comparative Poetics(《比較詩學》), Chinese Poetics, Daoist Aesthetics and Western Culture. In recent years he has been honored with exhibitions devoted to his archives and conferences devoted to his (Chinese) Poetry, as well as publication of his Complete (Chinese) Works in 9 thick volumes. In view of his prolific outstanding achievements, the University of California, San Diego has conferred him the title of Distinguished Professor.
Jonas Yip(葉灼)是一位年輕的藝術家,也是當年臺大外文系我的老同學葉維廉的公子。有一天,維廉突然打越洋電話給我──我身在香港,他仍住在陽光燦爛的南加州──他要我為葉灼的攝影作品寫一篇文章,或可作為展覽和出書時的序言,我也一口答應下來,因為我曾看過幾幅,十分喜歡。答應之後才感到惶恐, 因為維廉自己才是最適當的人選,他著作等身,文藝理論的造詣遠在我之上,而又是著名的詩人人;況且葉灼自幼耳濡目染,在攝影風格上多少沾了一點乃父的詩風。但維廉要避嫌,只把他為兒子這些作品寫的詩(他說是與葉灼攝影作品的對話)附寄過來,我只好勉為其難,把他的詩和這十三幅攝影作品輾轉閱讀,越看越有味道。
乍看之下,可能有人會問:為什麼這些照片都是黑白攝影,沒有一幅是彩色?與明信片和好萊塢電影中的巴黎大異其趣,這哪裡像《一個美國人在巴黎》(An American in Paris)或《巴黎四月天》(April in Paris)中的風景?恰好相反,照片中的這個城市顯得煙雨濛濛,甚至陰影重重,有一種說不出來的淒清的感覺,怎麼一個年輕人竟然也會愛上張愛玲的「蒼涼」美學?或者有人會說:所有的「藝術」照片都是黑白的,有了彩色反而商業化了,也只有我等遊客眼中的巴黎才是彩色的。
我認為這些論點皆不能成立。在我看來,照相機只不過是一個工具,它「複製」出來的現實,無論如何真實,都是形象;而形象卻是一種虛無飄渺的東西,照相機把瞬間的形象捕捉下來,似乎把一種時間變成空間,把動感變成靜止,也把瞬間變成永恆,這何嘗不印證了波特萊爾(Charles Pierre Baudelaire, 1821-1867)有關「現代性」的銘言:「現代性是暫時的、過渡的、飄渺即逝的;它是藝術的一半,但另一半卻是追求永恆。」(意譯)攝影和繪畫不同,和電影也不盡同;繪畫中的經典作品只有「靈光」(aura),已經沒有時間感;而電影卻是一種「時間」的藝術,經它複製後的現實永遠在動,達不到永恆和靜止。攝影在這兩者之間,其本身的藝術個性,伸縮性很大,全在攝影者的一份敏感和靈氣。即使是事後再加工,也比不上油畫和電影剪接的繁瑣。
維廉在英文文本裡把班雅明常用的“aura”突出,前面再加上艾當諾(Theodor W. Adorno, 1903-1969)要追回的真詩所用的形容詞:“untarnished”(未被汙染),背後彷彿要回到一種原初。滂沱大雨就好比是一種「淨化」。這樣葉灼攝取的「瞬間」又好像再轉深一層。我生活在香港,空氣汙染得厲害,唯有在大風大雨後,說不定第二天才有希望看到幾朵白雲或一小片藍天。這現代化的文明把我們都「推壓著推壓著」,快壓垮了!維廉在另一首詩中有這樣壓迫性的句子:「一嶺一嶺的/石岩/房子推/壓著更多更多石岩的/房子推/壓著一萬隻/黑壓壓的眼睛⋯⋯」如果斷章取義的話,這些字句恰可作現代香港「石屎森林」的寫照,但他寫的是巴黎,後面還有鐵塔和「騰騰的行雲」,而行雲雖然夾有陰雲,但畢竟看到陽光。我初看這張照片,就喜歡這點陽光,難道又是「夕陽無限好」的個人心理在作祟?說不定葉灼拍的是清晨,巴黎人從睡夢中逐漸醒了,從窗前眺望,穿過層層黑葉子,看到遠處的艾菲爾鐵塔和尖針後的浮雲,這是另一種「照明」,它照出來的是巴黎的歷史。而香港的歷史卻早已被大部分香港人所遺忘了。
我這份對巴黎的幽情,往往是自己當年遊覽時坐在公園的椅子上遐思出來的,所以我甚愛內中兩張有椅子的作品,看來維廉也如此,他的那首「空 公園/空 椅子」的詩也最簡單、抒情,而且押韻,任何人都看得懂。另一首則奇了,一開首就來一道「外星的異光」!不錯,我仔細一看,才發現椅子後真有一道異光,來自一艘外星人駕駛的飛碟,如果真的外星人降臨今天的巴黎,又會作何感想?也許它們根本不想了,其智慧早已超越任何人類思想之上。我看著看著,感到這一堆棄置的空椅子一張張都在慢慢移動,逐漸被這道光吸去了(極強的電力又磁性?),然而,如果飛碟中的外星人走出來,坐在這些椅子上,又會如何?我又是看好萊塢的電影太多了,《第三類接觸》(Close Encounters of the Third Kind),走出來的除了外星人之外,還有多年前飛機遇難的機師;那麼,十九世紀的巴黎人是否有的也沒有死,也走出來?說不定還有波特萊爾和班雅明?他們對當今的巴黎又作何感想?我猜必然心神愉悅:巴黎還沒有變,十九世紀的建築豪華氣派和韻味猶存,連那幾張公園的椅子和剪裁整齊的小樹都沒有變,樹下還有石子路,可以散步,這「方陣」式的幽靈幻景(phantasmagoria)其實並不是幻覺,是真的,照片中看來像是一個幻景,然而顯得更真實。我認為巴黎的歷史和回憶並沒有間斷,而且是延續不絕的;最有歷史感的中國人反而最健忘,早已把自己的十九世紀拋在腦後,甚至連二十世紀的「幽魂」也留不住了,這些幽魂不久都會乘那艘外星人的飛碟離去,甚至連公園中的椅子也所剩無幾了。
Jonas Yip(葉灼)是一位年輕的藝術家,也是當年臺大外文系我的老同學葉維廉的公子。有一天,維廉突然打越洋電話給我──我身在香港,他仍住在陽光燦爛的南加州──他要我為葉灼的攝影作品寫一篇文章,或可作為展覽和出書時的序言,我也一口答應下來,因為我曾看過幾幅,十分喜歡。答應之後才感到惶恐, 因為維廉自己才是最適當的人選,他著作等身,文...
〔Preface/序〕 Seeking Forgotten Time and History Among Trembling Light and Shadows— The Photographic Art of Jonas Yip in Paris: Dialogues and Meditations 在光影微顫中尋索遺忘的時間與歷史——葉灼《巴黎對話》裡的攝影藝術/Leo Ou-fan Lee 李歐梵
〔Foreword/前言〕 Somewhere Between: Toward the Middle Space Between Images and Words 游離其間:走向映像與文字的中際思域/Wai-lim Yip 葉維廉
〔Part I/第一部〕 PARIS DIALOGUES 巴黎對話
〔Afterword/後語〕 Somewhere Between: Toward the Middle Space Between Images and Words: After Reflections 游離其間:走向映像與文字的中際思域/Wai-lim Yip 葉維廉
〔About the Author/關於作者〕 JONAS YIP 葉灼 WAI-LIM YIP葉維廉
〔Preface/序〕 Seeking Forgotten Time and History Among Trembling Light and Shadows— The Photographic Art of Jonas Yip in Paris: Dialogues and Meditations 在光影微顫中尋索遺忘的時間與歷史——葉灼《巴黎對話》裡的攝影藝術/Leo Ou-fan Lee 李歐梵
〔Foreword/前言〕 Somewhere Between: Toward the Middle Space Between Images and Words 游離其間:走向映像與文字的中際思域/Wai-lim Yip 葉維廉