由於臺灣所在自然環境複雜,各項天然災害頻傳,如地震災害、水災及土石流等等;災害之來臨常帶來嚴重的損失,尤其災害一旦發生,對於公路之影響更為嚴重,造成災民之生命財產損失亦難以估計。為此,本計畫擬針對公路進行防救災決策支援之研究,首先就國內已發展之橋梁、邊坡災害防災等系統進行資料蒐集,並以94、95年度交通部運輸研究所港研中心所委託之『交通工程防災預警系統建立之研究』計畫為基礎,應用已發展完成之資料交換平台技術及自動通報機制,整合橋梁與邊坡二防災系統。本計畫擬應用以軟體代理人(Software Agents)為核心所發展之資料交換平台關鍵技術,交換蒐集各單位網站所發佈之相關災害資訊與相關公路設施資料庫資料,建立『公路防救災決策支援系統』,此外,為因應未來各交通單位可能之資訊及功能需求,本研究擬採開放式之系統架構開發本系統,以提供其他交通設施之防救災模組方便匯入整合,達到資源互相分享之效益,最後再訂定此系統之維護機制及移轉國內各有關單位使用之管理探討。本系統研發完成可供公路管理單位使用,達到災害預防、災害緊急應變及緊急復原各階段所應執行之災前評估、調查及應採取之緊急措施,以達成防災及減災之功效。
Due to the geographical conditions of Taiwan, the occurrences of natural disasters are frequent and the damage caused to the human life, properties and highways are serious. Decision-making is significant for highway disaster prevention and rescue in Taiwan. Considering the highway disaster prevention and rescue decision support mechanism, a survey of the bridge and slope disaster prevention/rescue systems is fulfilled in this project. In addition, based on the automatic data exchange platform technique and disaster warning mechanism of the Computer-Aided Decision Support System for Hazard Prevention of Transportation Bridges developed in the previous project, this project further develops the Highway Disaster Prevention/Rescue Decision Support System (HDPR-DSS) to automatically integrate distributed information of the current bridge and the slope disaster prevention systems and also to provide appropriate actions for assisting managers in disaster decision-making. To develop the HDPR-DSS, software agent technology is applied. Several data exchange agents in the HDPR-DSS can autonomously retrieve the announced highway disaster information from the distributed transportation system databases. Therefore, the HDPR-DSS can determine warning or rescue actions based on the retrieved data and the highway disaster prevention/rescue decision support mechanism. Meanwhile, to facilitate uncertain system integration in the future, the HDPR-DSS is implemented as the open system architecture. Accordingly, the HPDPR-DSS also provides a flexible and open interface for integrating the unknown systems. The HDPR-DSS can provide road managers with the appropriate actions regarding disaster response procedures, including disaster prevention, disaster contingency response and disaster restoration and rehabilitation. Therefore, the HDPR-DSS can assist managers in achieving disaster prevention and rescue in three categories, as follows: “Disaster emergency response,” “emergency restoration,” and “planned rehabilitation and reconstruction.”