Conventional slope stability monitoring often involves the use of inclinometer casings and open end piezometers. A plastic or aluminum casing is installed in the ground. An electronic carriage referred to as the inclinometer probe (IP) is lowered into the pre-installed casing to measure the inclinations. The displacement profile of the casing is determined by accumulating relative movements from IP readings. Open-ended piezometers are used to monitor the ground water levels. Both sensors are read manually in the field. The procedure is time consuming and can be dangerous when conducted in the rainy season or when the slope is unstable. The safety hazards may prevent the critical instrument readings from being taken when they are needed the most. Many automated electronic devices have been developed recently. These devices can be costly and subject to electromagnetic interference and lightning damage when deployed in the field. In comparison with electronic devices, the fiber optic sensors that are passive systems with no electronic circuitry installed underground can easily transmit signals by tens of kilometers through light. Multiple sensors can be connected to a single fiber optic. A test site has been set up at the Five-turn-point of Highway 18 near Mt. Alishan. The fiber optic ground displacement and ground water monitoring sensors developed by the research team have been deployed at the test site. The main purpose of this research is to verify the feasibility of using an all fiber optic sensor system in slope stability monitoring. Coupled with field measurements, a ground water numerical model will be established as a basis to evaluate the slope failure mechanisms. The research can provide new slope stability monitoring technologies to the Fifth Maintenance Office, Directorate General of Highways, MOTC. These new technologies include the use of fiber optic sensors for ground displacement and porewater pressure monitoring. Results from field measurements can be used to facilitate groundwater numerical modeling for the Five-turn-point section of the Mt. Alishan highway. The goal of numerical modeling is to determine the characteristics and distribution of groundwater flow and to setup critical index values for highway safety management. The completed monitoring system can be integrated into the “highway disaster prevention decision support system” and offer an effective tool to highway administrators for evaluation and implementation of disaster prevention schemes.