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$ 280 | 五十肩復健一學就會【中英對照】
作者:藍德才 出版社:合記圖書出版社 出版日期:2018-01-01 規格:23cm*17cm*0.8cm (高/寬/厚) / 初版 ![]() ![]() |
藍德才 謹識
門診中常看到四、五十歲的中年人,一隻手低垂著緊貼身體,另一隻手跨過胸前放在受傷的肩膀上前來問診,患者的肩膀因疼痛而不敢動,像是被冰凍著,因此俗稱為「冰凍肩」(Frozen Shoulder),醫學上的學名是「粘黏性肩關節囊炎」(adhesive capsulitis),在臨床常見的症狀大多是因肩關節囊發炎而導致粘黏,引起患者疼痛和肩關節活動度受限,又因好發於五十歲前後的中年人,所以俗稱為「五十肩」。
高雄榮民總醫院復健部主任 李敏輝
羅賓漢故事 / 4
The story of Robinson / 5
造成五十肩因素 / 6
Factors that cause frozen shoulder / 7
問題 :何謂五十肩? / 8 Question: What is frozen shoulder? / 9
問題 :五十肩治療為何? / 10 Question: What are the therapies of frozen shoulder? / 11
問題 :五十肩診斷影像為何? / 12 Question: What is the diagnostic image of frozen shoulder? / 13
問題 :五十肩患者症狀為何? / 14 Question: What are the symptoms of frozen shoulder? / 15
問題 :五十肩藥物治療為何? / 16,18 Question: What is the medical treatment of frozen shoulder? / 17,19
問題 :五十肩患者在飲食上,要注意什麼事項嗎? / 20,22 Question: What should patients pay attention to their diet? / 21,23
問題 :如何預防五十肩? /24 Question: How do We prevent frozen shoulder? / 25
問題 :一般來說,五十肩復健所花時間要多少? / 26 Question:Generally speaking,how long does it take to rehabilitate for frozen shoulder / 27
階段一 :動作一 / 30
Stage 1:Movement 1 / 31
階段一 :動作一變化型 / 32
Stage 1:The variation of movement 1 / 33
階段一 : 動作二 / 34
Stage 1:Movement 2 / 35
階段一 : 動作三 / 36
Stage 1:Movement 3 / 37
階段一 : 動作四 / 38
Stage 1:Movement 4 / 39
問題 : 以階段一動作,第一次做復健,做幾次較適當? (以動作二為例 ) / 40
Question: If it is the first time to do the physiotherapy at the stage 1 , how many times of exercise would be appropriate? (Take movement 2 for example.)? / 41
問題 :在五十肩患者初期,有些治療師要求患者接受 :運動治療時,高度避免到達最高點或角度避免過度至極限,這是什麼原因? / 42
Question :In the early stage of frozen shoulder, some therapists ask the patients NOT to reach the highest point or to work out too excessively to the end-feel when doing the physiotherapy. What is the reason for this? / 43
問題 : 五十肩患者在初期作運動時,舉高某一角度會疼痛,就要停止所有運動嗎? / 44
Question : In the beginning, the patients might feel pain when they raise their arms to certain angles. Should they stop all the movements? / 45
問題 : 常有五十肩患者,初期要求治療人員以外力方式增加角度,是否正確? / 46
Question : In the early stage of frozen shoulder, many patients ask the therapist to use external force to increase the angles during the therapy. Is it correct? / 47
階段二 (a) / 50
Stage 2(a) / 51
階段二 (b) / 52
Stage 2(b) / 53
鐘擺運動 / 54
Pendular exercise / 55
問題 : 為何五十肩患者,初期做運動,要訓練健側肌力來增加患側肌力? / 56
Question:In the early stage of exercise,why do patients strengthen the muscle power of healthy side to increase the muscle power of the affected side? / 57
問題 :針灸對五十肩患者有幫助嗎? / 58
Question: Does acupuncture help relieve symptoms of frozen shoulder? / 59
問題 : 五十肩患者事先熱敷,再做運動項目?還是做運動項目,再作熱敷? / 60
Question: Should the patients apply hot pack before or after exercising? / 61
問題 : 五十肩患者常用電療有哪些?有什麼功能? / 62
Question: What kinds of electrotherapy are often used by the patients with frozen shoulder? What is the function? / 63
問題 : 五十肩電療注意事項有哪些? / 64
Question: What should electrotherapy patients pay attention to ? / 65
問題 :低能量雷射對五十肩效用? / 66
Question: How does Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) help frozen shoulder? / 67
問題 :簡介體外震波對五十肩效用? / 68
Question: How does extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) help frozen shoulder? / 69
階段三 :動作一 / 72 Stage 3: Movement 1 / 73
階段三 : 動作二 / 74 Stage 3: Movement 2 / 74
階段三 : 動作三 / 76 Stage 3: Movement 3 / 77
階段三 : 動作四 / 78 Stage 3: Movement 4 / 79
問題 :治療師如何幫五十肩患者拉伸? / 80 Question: How does the therapist help patient stretch? / 81
問題 :貼紮對五十肩患者是否有幫助? / 82 Question: Does taping help the patients? / 83
臨床經驗分享 (Sharing clinical experience)
方法一 (a) / 86
Method 1(a) / 87
方法一 (b) / 88
Method 1(b) / 89
方法二 (a) / 90
Method 2(a) / 91
方法二 (b) / 92
Method 2(b) / 93
方法二 (c) / 94
Method 2(c) / 95
方法三 / 96
Method 3 / 97
問題 :五十肩患者如右手為患側,進階一的復健,建議要做什麼動作? (例如第一次復健 ) / 98
Question: What movements are recommended for patients (affected right side) in advanced level 1 when doing the first physiotherapy? / 99
問題 : 五十肩患者如右手為患側,進階二 (三 )的復健,建議要做什麼動作? / 100
Question: What movements are recommended for patients (affected right side) in advanced level 2(3) when doing physiotherapy? / 101
問題 :五十肩患者如右手為患側,進階四的復健,建議要做什麼動作? / 102
Question: What movements are recommended for patients (affected right side) in advanced level 4 when doing physiotherapy? / 103
問題 :五十肩患者如右手為患側,進階五的復健,建議要做什麼動作? / 104
Question: What movements are recommended for patients (affected right side) in advanced level 5 when doing physiotherapy? / 105