生者 亡者與邊界 殯葬空間設計Funeral Interior Design/詹 敏/022
廣東龍川客家文化園區設計Longchuan , guang dong Hakka Cultural Park/刁培煌/028
湛默 媽祖宗教空間Mazu temple - clam/徐羽潔/034
香洲漁港設計與規劃Xiangzhou Fishing Port Design and Planning/黃與竇/040
田中樂 共生聚落Live preservation for Traditional Settlements/葉韋伶、張雅婷/046
住商混居的非典型探索Vertical Shophouse/李昆諺/058
Pumping Core: Tianmu plaza & Reconstruction of lifestyle/傅上格/064
記憶迴廊Memory Vertigo/張皓彥/070
河畔伊甸園Eden by the riverbank/陳塘陵/076
信義區陸軍保養廠自行車公園改建規劃XINYI ARMY VEHICLE SERVICE CENTER Cycling park transformation/陳佳妤/082
電影公園Movie Park/馮柏翔/090
城市意象 都市區塊跨機能交叉空間The Image of the City/塗凱彣/096
中藥農場Chinese Medecine Farm/陳郅豪/102
被遺忘的地域THE FORGOTTEN SPACE - Huashan outdoor theater/葉其叡/108
跨校Crossing School/黃軍銘/114
REFORM OF LIVING: Innovative Spatial Con¬guration Mechanism/劉子綺、林雨潔/122
北投公園生活圈規劃設計-煙霧環繞Beitou Park Living Perimeters Planning and Design - Smoke-¬lled/陳詩涵/134
淡水遊客中心 淡水旅遊規劃Tamsui Visitor Center.Tamsui Travel Planning/林佶褘/140
返回 五股垃圾山回收工廠Recovery and Revitalization-Wu-gu Smoky Mountain/周翊琪/192
烏石港遊憩轉運站Wushi Harbor Recreation Transfer Center/曾慶瑜/204
享飛-飛行觀賞園區Avation Viewpoint/黃 哲/210
舊造船空間改造Shipyard transformation Preliminary plans/王翔孟/216
高第服飾設計創意園區GODI Fashion Design Park/周余祺/224
明倫居民活動中心Ming-lun Community Center/倪韻捷/230
紋創墟市The continuation of Traditional Urban public Fields/陳介儒/236
市中心The Centre of Foshan/黎雨佳/242
綠驛 高雄車站廣場Kaohsiung Station Square/蔡宗諺/248
將被遺忘的綠地The Lost Land/鄞子芸/254
坪林茶業文化再造Pinglin Tea Culture Reengineering/張洛易/262
田中。樹下 養身退休耕村Elderly cultivation farming village/林欣諭/268
容身之地Play to stay/丁于婷/274
樂活農村Countryside and the old/張珈儀/280
TENANT_慢活:佃農_ slow movement/黃宇賢/286
以形狀文法進行設計分析Design and analysis of the shape grammar/吳霈暄/294
BIM 用於自行車道跨越單元之研究Study of BIM for Taipei Skycycle/毛耀德/300
既有老人福利機構垂直避難方法改善之研究Existing methods for improvement Vertical Evacuation welfare institutions for the elderly/石渟遠/248
"Reconstruction" is to search a new order and see the future a complex environment.
"Recovery" is to pursue a traditionally sense in a new thinking.
"Increase" is to discover new architectural and humanity life in the changing recycle.
During the process of rebuilding, recovering, and increasing, we found and thought the proof of traditional and modern, thought the established frame in the society that we exist, walked the way of changing step by step.