新世紀風 揚起…希望的帆 啟航… 世界的浪頭 在東方激澎湃
踏上婆娑之洋 登上美麗之島 許多異鄉過客 都成了歸人
台灣 保有最完整的中華文化 恰如繁體字的精深意象
每當提筆點落 都教人玩味難忘 在如此歡娛的島國裡 處處都有天使駐守
笑容就是他的翅膀 滿載熱情與友善 帶你飛進這個人間天堂 遊歷所有美好時光
或許隨著原住民的節奏鼓動生命 或許換上歌仔戲服粉墨登場 演一段傳奇
或許穿梭城市間 體驗地方活力 讓熱情友善的台灣人 領你入座這個用藍天和陽光打造的大教室
用心感受 就能盡情享受暢快的魔力 學習華語 台灣就是你最好的朋友!
A new century has dawned, and the winds of history are blowing
toward the East. Mandarin Chinese is gaining in popularity all over
the world. This film details the lives of students of this language who
Have traveled to Taiwan to study ,teach ,or settle down .Their experiences
Serve to show just how much fun learning Chinese and living in Taiwan are.
We invite you to journey to Taiwan. Here you will find a home away from
home , a realm where Chinese culture thrives. The people here are friendly,
open, and always willing to help you practice your language skills. In Taiwan,
You will have the time of your life as you learn Chinese and experience a
distinctive local culture.