圖書簡介i 版權頁/Copyright
ii 目次/Contents
論評 Commentary
05 主體位置的迷航--博物館專業人員的困境與轉機
The Wandering of the Subject Positions: On the Predicaments of the Museum Curators in Taiwan 黃旭
Hsu Huang
研究論文 Research Article
09 戰後臺灣古物與古蹟保存的早期實踐及其干擾(1948-1972)
Practices of and Interference in Antiquities and Cultural Heritage Preservation in Taiwan from 1948 to 1972 黃翔瑜
Hsiang-Yu Huang
47 博物館展覽在人權教育中的角色--以三個展覽個案為例
The Role of Museum Exhibitions in Human Rights Education: Three Case Studies 陳佳利
Chia-Li Chen
73 基於半結構深度訪談探討中國博物館理事會治理
Study of Chinese Museum Council Governance Based on Semi-structured In-depth Interviews 周婧景、嚴建強
Jing-Jing Zhou and Jiang-Qian Yan
研究紀要 Research Notes
95 大學博物館的比較研究--澳洲雪梨大學尼克遜博物館與香港中文大學文物館
A Comparative Study of University Museums: The Nicholson Museum of the University of Sydney and the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong