圖書簡介大陸情勢總、觀察 General Observations on Mainland China
Quite A Conquest between U.S. and China after the "Trump-Xi
Meeting” : The “Three NEWs” Discourse by President Tsai
陳昌宏 Chen, Chang-Hung
短名乎 Editorial Paragraph
The Impact of New U.S.-China Relations on Taiwan's Political and
Economic Development after the “Trump-Xi Meeting”
李沃牆 Lee, Wo-Chiang
專題研究 Monograph
The Impacts of Trump Administration's Trade Policy on China and
Taiwan and the Possible Responses
李淳 Lee, Chun Roy
U.S.-China Cooperation and Confrontation on the C4Hotspof, Issues
裘兆琳 Chang, Jaw-ling Joanne