評論 Editorials
站在巨人的肩膀上 / 郭正典
Standing on the shoulders of the giants / Cheng-Deng Kuo
點化文明的生機 / 陳國鎮
To vitalize the human civilization / Kuo-Gen Chen
心靈現象的操作型定義 / 陳家成
The value of applying operational definitions to the terminology of Buddhism / Chia-Chern Chen
原著 Original articles
由手指識字實驗辨識特殊關鍵字所觀察到的異象 / 李嗣涔、陳建德、唐大崙
The observation of extraordinary phenomena when special keywords were tested in the experiment on character recognition by fingers / Si-Chen Lee, Chien-Te Chen, Darin Tang
金剛經的數學模型及其解之探討 / 陳家成、林杜娟
The mathematic approach to Vajra-Praj-ñāpāramitā-Sūtra / Chia-Chern Chen, Due-Jane Lin
量子力學的波函數與康德的物自體 / 王守益、王慧琴
Quantum mechanical wave function and the thing-in-itself of Kant’s / George S. Wang , Hui-Chin Wang
論法塵和信息波的存在認知 / 陳國鎮
An inference of the existence of dharma and information waves through a model of recognition / Kuo-Gen Chen
從道原經看先秦道家思想對信息的瞭解 / 宋光宇、陳國鎮、蘇莉華
An understanding from Tao-yuan Ching annotations of pre-Ch’in Taoist thought regarding information / Kwang-Yu Sung, Kuo-Gen Chen, Li-Hua Su
無過失與佛法 / 郭正典
No-fault and Buddhism / Cheng-Deng Kuo
真實的認識 / 楊新宇
The acknowledgment of reality / Xin-Yu Yang