Let’s face it, we’re drowning in data. Our inboxes are flooded with spam, we have too many “friends” on Facebook, and our Twitter accounts have become downright unmanageable. Creating content is easy; finding what matters is hard.
Fortunately, there is a new magic that makes the Web work. It’s called curation, and it enables people to sort through the digital excess and find what’s relevant.
In Curation Nation, Steven Rosenbaum reveals why brands, publishers, and content entrepreneurs must embrace aggregation and curation to grow an existing business or launch a new one. In fact, he asserts that curation is the only way to be competitive in the future.
Overwhelmed by too much content, people are hungry for an experience that both takes advantage of the Web’s breadth and depth and provides a measure of human sorting and filtering that search engines simply can’t achieve. In these shifting sands lies an extraordinary business opportunity: you can become a trusted source of value in an otherwise meaningless chaos of digital noise.
In Curation Nation, Rosenbaum “curates the curators” by gathering together priceless insight and advice from the top thinkers in media, advertising, publishing, commerce, and Web technologies. This groundbreaking book levels the playing field, giving your business equal access to the content abundance presently driving consumer adoption of the Web.
As the sheer volume of digital information in the world increases, the demand for quality and context becomes more urgent. Curation will soon be a part of your business and your digital world. Understand it now, join in early, and reap the many benefits Curation Nation has to offer.
Learn more at CurationNation.org.
史蒂芬.羅森鮑姆 (Steven Rosenbaum)
創業家、製片人兼數位策展人。他製作過MTV音樂頻道一個由觀眾提供影片的開創性節目《MTV Unfiltered》,此外,他也執導過獲獎的九一一記錄片《九月的那七天》(7 Days in September)。羅森鮑姆是網際網路最大的即時影片匯聚與策展引擎--Magnify.net的執行長。目前住在紐約市。
Steven Rosenbaum is an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and digital curator. He created MTV’s groundbreaking user-generated video show MTV Unfiltered and directed the award-winning 9/11 documentary 7 Days in September. Rosenbaum is the CEO of Magnify.net, the largest real-time video aggregation and curation engine on the Internet. He lives in New York City.