Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar is now available for the first time in a new, oversized board book format, perfect for storytime or forplaytime. Plus, as an added bonus, it includes a CD of Eric Carle reading his classic story. This fine audio production makes a great listen, and is a fantastic new way to encounter this famous, famished caterpillar.
這是Eric Carle創作生涯中的第三本作品也可算是得意代表作之一。毛毛蟲從蛋中孵化,好餓好餓的感覺讓它不停的吃東西,從一頁鑽洞吃過另一頁,跟隨毛毛蟲的腳步,小朋友可以從中學到數字、星期、水果名稱。翻開每一頁都有不同的驚喜,讓閱讀變成一種遊戲。毛毛蟲最後結繭變成蝴蝶也為小朋友上了一課自然生態課。猜猜看,好餓好餓的毛毛蟲躲在哪一顆水果裡呢?答案就在下一頁中。