丹麥「Noma」在2021年勇奪世界最佳餐廳第一名(The World’s 50 Best Restaurants),「世界最佳餐廳」每年由全球極有聲望的美食評論家、廚師及餐廳經營者投票選出。這已是Noma第五次獲得這項號稱「飲食界奧斯卡獎」的最高榮譽。2021年更摘下米其林三星,成為國際上最高指標餐廳。
多年來Noma能夠稱霸全球第一餐廳的寶座,絕對其來有自。每一口滋味、每一道菜都讓人驚艷,帶來獨一無二的用餐體驗。如同紐約時報著名美食評論家Pete Wells所道:「Noma的醬汁巧妙地統整了整道菜色的風味,讓人無從挑剔,只會在品嚐時,不由得驚呼自己此生從未嚐過如此絕妙滋味!」
Noma傳奇主廚René Redzepi在他的新書《Noma2.0》將為你帶來一場味覺冒險,帶領美食愛好者深入感受Noma餐廳的料理魔法,細細品嚐將近200道料理的研發過程,每道皆搭配美到不行的照片。
Noma創辦人兼主廚René Redzepi率領團隊不斷探索及創新,在研發菜色與開發食材方面都立下了全新標準。2018年Noma暫時關閉餐廳,與團隊尋找新的食材、準備快閃餐廳,這些珍貴的養分成就了重新開張的Noma 2.0。與以往經典菜色不同,Noma 2.0專注「季節」性食材,冬季提供森林野味,夏季可以期待剛採摘回來的豌豆,尤其專注使用當地新鮮食材,製作真正帶有北歐當地文化的特色料理,並且將平凡無奇的食材-像是蘑菇、雞翅,透過主廚級發酵的力量-發展出令人念念不忘的風味。Noma 2.0不僅帶給你舌尖裡的豐富層次與奇妙滋味,每道菜都是團隊嘔心瀝血的藝術品,不管是裝飾成「花盆」的巧克力海綿蛋糕,或是以花朵和野莓裝飾的曼陀羅藝術,都讓五官沉浸在美麗的森林中。餐廳同時顛覆你對料理的認知-以幼嫩的松果入菜或利用馴鹿的腦來製作布丁-帶你放下邏輯束縛,品味料理中的舌尖之趣。
A Barnes & Noble Best Cookbook of 2022
A Barnes & Noble Best Gift Book of 2022
There’s a reason Noma sits atop the list of the world’s best restaurants. Every bite, every dish, every course surprises, delights, challenges, and deeply satisfies in a way that’s unique in the world of dining. As the
New York Times’s Pete Wells wrote recently in praising Noma’s flavors, "sauces are administered so subtly that you don’t notice anything weird going on; you just think you’ve never tasted anything so extraordinary in your life." In
Noma 2.0, René Redzepi digs deep into the restaurant’s magic through the creation of nearly 200 dishes, each photographed in spectacular beauty and detail.
Noma 2.0--the title is a reference to the reinvention of Noma after it closed in 2018 to move to its new compound across the water--is about true seasonality, from wild game in the fall to just-picked peas in the summer. It is about using only local ingredients, to build a cuisine that is profoundly situated in its place and culture. It is about transforming the ordinary--a mushroom, a chicken wing, often through fermentation--to develop haunting, memorable flavors. It is about composing a plate that delights the eye as much as the palate, whether through the trompe l’oeil of a "flowerpot" chocolate cake or a dazzling mandala of flowers and berries. It is about pushing the boundaries of what we think we want to eat--a baby pinecone, a pudding made of reindeer brain--to open our palates with a startling confidence. And it is about how to stay creative and challenge yourself over the course of a career.
For foodies, for chefs, for artists and art lovers, for thought-leaders and makers, and for the kind of reader who is compelled by the idea that sometimes one person can change everything,
Noma 2.0 is the gift book of the season.