The Master Mind of Mars introduces Ulysses Paxton, an Earthman who finds himself transported to the planet Mars. Under the guidance of Ras Thavas, a scientist specializing in brain transplantation techniques, Paxton acquires knowledge about the workings of Martian society. Adopting the Martian identity of Vad Varo, he skillfully navigates the complex moral terrain of his newfound home. The narrative delves into matters of self-identity and bodily autonomy as Paxton rebels against Ras’ unethical practices in order to rescue Valla Dia, a princess whose brain has been transplanted into another body.
The Master Mind of Mars is the sixth novel in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom series. Burroughs faced severe difficulties in publishing this episode due to its satirical nature, particularly its indictment of religious extremism, which resulted in its first rejection by higher-paying markets. Hugo Gernsback eventually published the novel at a lower price, reflecting the changing cultural and editorial landscapes of the period.
This case laminate collector’s edition includes a Victorian inspired dust-jacket.