參考文獻 254
索引 263
後記 269
(Fang Li, Min Huang)
1 Cluster Pattern and Cluster Algebra 1
1.1 Cluster pattern and cluster algebra: Definition and examples 1
1.2 Quantum cluster algebra: Definition and examples 10
1.3 Laurent phenomenon 15
2 Exchange Graphs of Cluster Algebras 20
2.1 Definition and examples 20
2.2 Some basic conclusions 23
3 Exchange Matrices of Cluster Algebras 26
3.1 Totality of sign-skew-symmetric matrices 26
3.2 Matrix formula of mutations of exchange matrices 31
4 Cluster Homomorphisms, Substructure, Quotient Structure of Cluster Algebras 35
4.1 Cluster homomorphisms and seed homomorphisms 35
4.2 Cluster subalgebras 41
4.3 Cluster quotient algebras 43
4.3.1 Cluster quotient algebras constructed from specialization 43
4.3.2 Cluster quotient algebras characterizedvia gluing method 45
4.4 A characterization of cluster automorphisms 48
5 Unfolding Theory for Cluster Algebras and Positivity of Cluster Variables 53
5.1 Folding and unfolding 53
5.2 Strongly almost finite quivers from acyclic sign-skew-symmetric matrices 55
5.3 Unfolding theorem for acyclic sign-skew-symmetric matrices 59
5.4 Positivity for Laurent expansion of a cluster variable 60
6 Combinatorial Parameterization of Cluster Algebras and Their Relationships 66
6.1 Denominator vector of a cluster variable 66
6.2 c-vectors and maximal green sequences 69
6.3 F-polynomials and /-vectors 73
6.4 g-vectors and G-matrices 76
6.5 Relationship between C-matrices and G-matrices and some related properties 82
6.6 Relationship among F-polynomials,d-vectors,g-vectors and cluster variables 90
6.6.1 Generalized degree 90
6.6.2 Relationship and the relation diagram 91
7 Cluster Algebras From Surfaces 96
7.1 Basic concepts 96
7.1.1 Triangulations of surfaces and flips 96
7.1.2 Tagged triangulations 99
7.2 Definition of cluster algebras from surfaces 102
7.3 Snake graphs and their perfect matchings 106
7.3.1 Abstract definition of snake graphs 106
7.3.2 Perfect matchings and twists 106
7.3.3 Construction of snake graphs Gto,r 107
7.3.4 Lattice structure on the set of perfect matchings P(Gto,r) 108
7.4 Expansion formulas 109
7.4.1 A cluster isomorphism from A to 109
7.4.2 Tagged arcs with two ends tagged plain 111
7.4.3 Tagged arcs with one end tagged plain andone end tagged notched 114
7.4.4 Tagged arcs with two ends tagged notched 116
7.4.5 Remark 117
8 Cluster Algebras of Finite Type and Finite Mutation Type 119
8.1 Finitetype cluster algebras 119
8.1.1 A characterization of finite type cluster algebras 119
8.1.2 Classification of finite type cluster algebras of rank ≤2 120
8.1.3 Proof of Theorem 8.1 123
8.2 Finitemutation type cluster algebras 125
8.2.1 Skew-symmetric case 126
8.2.2 Skew-symmetrizable case 126
9 Synopsis of Scattering Diagrams 132
9.1 Fixed data 132
9.2 Walls 134
9.3 Scattering diagrams 135
9.4 Cells and pull-back of scattering diagrams 139
9.5 Mutation of scattering diagrams 140
9.6 Broken lines and Theta functions 143
10 Some Fundamental Properties of the Structure of Cluster Algebras 145
10.1 Positivity for denominator vectors of cluster variables 145
10.1.1 Enough g-pair properties of cluster algebras 146
10.1.2 Proof of the positivity for denominator vectors 150
10.2 Proper Laurent monomial property and linear independence of cluster monomials 153
10.3 Unistructurality of cluster algebras 155
10.3.1 Compatible functions and characterization of clusters 155
10.3.2 Unistructurality Theorem I59
11 Bases for Cluster Algebras 162
11.1 Some standards for “good” bases 162
11.2 Standard monomials and standard monomial basis 163
11.3 Greedy basis 166
11.4 Triangular basis 168
11.4.1 Berenstein-Zelevinsky,s triangular basis 168
11.4.2 Qin's triangular basis 173
11.5 Bases for cluster algebras from surfaces 174
11.5.1 Bangle set 175
11.5.2 Skein relation and bracelet set 176
11.5.3 Band set 177
11.5.4 Three bases for cluster algebras 178
11.6 Theta functions, Theta basis and greedy basis 179
11.6.1 Theta basis 179
11.6.2 Relationship between greedy basis and Theta basis for cluster algebras of rank 2 180
11.7 A summary table 183
12 Structure of Quantum Cluster Algebras on Quantum Double Bruhat Cells 185
12.1 Preliminaries 185
12.1.1 Generalized Cartan matrices and Weyl groups 185
12.1.2 Double words 186
12.2 Quantumenveloping algebras 187
12.3 Quantumcoordinate rings of Lie groups 189
12.4 Matrices pair and its compatibility 191
12.5 Quantumdouble Bruhat cells 198
12.6 Quantumcluster algebras on double Bruhat cells 203
13 Cluster Categories and Additive Categorification 207
13.1 Cluster categories, cluster tilting objects and their mutations 207
13.2 Three kinds of cluster categories 213
13.2.1 Orbit categories 214
13.2.2 Generalized cluster categories 215
13.2.3 Frobenius 2-Calabi-Yau categories 217
13.3 Categorifications of cluster algebras and their applications 219
13.3.1 Cluster characters 219
13.3.2 Categorification of g-vectors 221
13.3.3 Proof of sign-coherence of g-vectors of a cluster 223
13.3.4 Proof of that F-polynomials have constant terms 1 227
14 Y-pattern and Configurations of Projective Lines 228
14.1 Y -pattern: Definition and examples 228
14.2 Y -patterns from configurations of projective lines 231
15 Cluster Algebra Structure on Totally Positive Matrices 236
15.1 Totally positive matrices and initial minors 236
15.2 Double wiring diagrams for matrices 237
15.3 Proof of the main theorem 245
16 Connection with Some Problems in Number Theory 246
16.1 Markov equation 246
16.2 Somos sequences 249
16.3 Fermat numbers 252
References 254
Index 263
Postscript 269