目次論文 Article
01 媽祖信仰遶境儀式的文化景觀閱讀
A Study of Cultural Landscape in Religious Processions of Matzu Pilgrimage
侯錦雄、李素馨 Hou, Jing-Shoung ; Lee, Su-Hsin
27 戰後臺灣文化資產保存法制與氛圍的形塑
The Formation of Mechanism and Atmosphere of After-war Cultural Heritage
Conservation in Taiwan
林會承 Lin, Hui-Cheng
專題演講 Forum
59 從志願組織到政府部門:保護歷史性建物之英國取徑
British Approach (from Voluntary Bodies to Government) to the Protection of
Historic Buildings
Mr. Philip Venning 演講
Chiang , Min-Chin ; Huang, Lan-Kuei
83 從吳哥窟到澳門:界定透過文化為地方培力的全球策略
From Angkor to Macau Definging a Global Strategy for Local Empowerment
through Culture
Dr. Philippe Peycam 演講
Devadasi 翻譯、陳郁婷紀錄整理