第26期臺灣地區易肇事路段改善計畫,係依據行政院95年核頒之第9期「道路交通秩序與交通安全改進方案」工作項目辦理(計畫編號:交運31101)。本計畫係利用96年臺灣地區之道路交通事故資料(A1類與A2類),由本所進行統計分析,篩選出易肇事地點,函送各縣市道安聯席(督導)會報,並於彙整各縣市道安聯席(督導)會報所提報之易肇事地點後,依各地點特性進行書面審查或會同相關單位前往現場勘查,研提改善方案。第26期易肇事路段改善計畫之改善地點計138處,總改善經費為新臺幣31,847,510元,平均每處改善經費約為新臺幣23萬元。 This project is conducted under the 9th Improvement Program for Traffic Order and Safety, in response to a decree issued by the Executive Yuan in 2006. (Project No. MOTC 31101) Through statistical analysis of the accident data (Type A1 and A2) in 2007, in the Taiwan area, the study identifies accident-prone locations throughout the Taiwan area. To have a better understanding about those locations, field study teams are organized. The team members include the officers from the Road Traffic Safety Commission, the Institute of Transportation, the Highway Bureau, the National Police Administration, the transportation bureau, and police and engineering offices of local governments. After in-depth discussions with the team members, this project has proposed an improvement plan for each accident-prone location. This year, a total of 138 accident-prone locations have been identified. The total cost to improve those locations is NT$31,847,510 and the average cost to improve a location is approximately NT$230,000.