圖書名稱:New Perspectives on English Instruction: Teaching, Learning and Assessing (英語教學新視野)
Jeremy Sykes, English for International Communication: A New Approach to Improving English Language Proficiency in Taiwan
David McMurray, New Perspectives on Encouraging the EFL Learner to Write
Dai, Wei-yang (戴維揚). New Cultural Perspectives on Cultural Literacy Instruction in Taiwan
Leung, Yiu-nam (梁耀南), Challenges of Teaching and Learning Literature in a Collegiate Environment in Taiwan
Yu, Cynthia Chi-fang (余綺芳),A Study on a Remedial Program Utilizing Teaching Assistants to Facilitate Students’ On-line Learning
Cheng,Wei-chi(鄭偉奇) &Tim Allen, The Relationship of Ego Boundaries to English Learning
Aya Okamoto (岡本綾). The Importance of Negative Evidence in Instructed Second Language Acquisition
Tai, Kuo-ping (戴國平) & Tai, Yu-hsieh (戴育賢), Crossing Language and Culture; The Significance of Acculturation in Second Language Teaching
Yeh, Ching-hsuan (葉璟萱 ) & Michael S. Jenks, Teaching Culture in English Class
Michael S. Jenks & Lai, Chia-chih (賴佳綺). Characteristics of Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching Modes in Developing Hybrid SyncAsync Courses
Shawn Gallagher, Teaching English to Children in Taiwan A Case Study in Miao-Li County
Huang, Hsiao-ping (黃筱萍) & Chow, Chien-hsien (周見賢), A Study of the Effects of Language Learning Strategy Instruction on JHS Students’ English Listening Proficiency and Strategy Use
Lien, Wen-ling (連文玲) & Dai, Wei-yang (戴維揚), A Study of the Influence of Parental Involvement on the English Achievement of Junior 1-ligh School Students in Taipei County
Yeh, Shu-yin (葉書吟) & Dai, Wei-yang (戴維揚), A Study of the Effects of Reading Literacy on the Proficiency of Freshmen English Majors