圖書名稱:Complete TOEIC® Skills : Five Practice Tests, Second Edition(新制多益測驗五回)
本書為新制多益五回測驗,內容全新改版,試題符合新制多益考試標準,全真模擬。作者擁有豐富的多益授課經驗,可以增加讀者在考試前的模擬練習,提升應試成績。全書附有解答及錄音稿題本,讀者可以掃描書上QR Code,線上收聽多益聽力測驗。 Complete TOEIC® Skills : Five Practice Tests, Second Edition Complete TOEIC® Skills: Five Practice Tests is a set of five full-length TOEIC® style tests intended for students who wish to practice their listening and reading skills in preparation for the TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test. The book is ideal for test takers of all levels and provides extensive practice in answering TOEIC® style questions. By using the five tests in this book, test takers will gain exposure to the kinds of questions they will encounter on the actual test.
Five Practice Tests can be used in several ways: As the primary and secondary text in a TOEIC® preparation course As practice for taking the TOEIC® test-taking skills As a self-study guide for the TOEIC® Test
Features: ‧Five full-length TOEIC® style tests ‧1,000 questions in the ETS TOEIC® format and content ‧More than 4 hours of audio in MP3 format ‧All listening activities are available to listen to online ‧Separate booklets of each test are also available
Components: ‧Transcripts for all listening questions ‧Complete answer key for all 5 tests