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台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 41):台灣文學的動物書寫專輯

台灣文學英譯叢刊 no.41(台灣文學的動物書寫專輯) 台灣文學英譯叢刊 no.41(台灣文學的動物書寫專輯)

作者:Kuo-ch’ing Tu杜國清) 
語言:繁體中文   規格:平裝 / 248頁 / 14 x 21 cm / 普通級/ 單色印刷 / 初版
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 41):台灣文學的動物書寫專輯



  In the thirty years since the 1980s, a significant volume of creative work and research in Taiwan has been produced under the general category of nature writing. There have been conferences and proceedings, M.A. theses and Ph.D. dissertations, research articles, books, and anthologies. There are four representative and well-recognized writers in the field: Liu Ka-shiang, who has dedicated himself to birdwatching and nature writing; Liao Hung-chi, who is known for his writings on whale and ocean experiences; Wu Ming-yi, who has concentrated on butterflies and broken new ground in ecological writing; as well as Syaman Rapongan, who has devoted himself to reconstructing the ocean-centric culture of the indigenous Taos people. It is in view of all the above that this issue of the journal has been dedicated to “Animal Writing in Taiwan Literature.” Recalling that our publication has a mission to “introduce the voices of Taiwan literature from recent publications to English readers, and especially to introduce the views of Taiwanese writers and scholars regarding their own literature,” we have asked Professor Chia-ju Chang of Brooklyn College to be guest editor of this special issue.

  The works selected for translation here were recommended primarily by Professor Chang. She has chosen works that highlight the local characteristics of animal literature in Taiwan as distinct from international animal literature. These works refer to the geographical environment and to memory of the unique cultural history of Taiwan. The two stories by Wu Ming-yi, “Koxinga” and“The Compass of the Soul,” are excellent examples of this. Lee Chiao's“A Sacrifice to the Asuras” was originally intended for the special issue on the author (No. 36, July 2015), but it turned out to be very appropriate for this issue on animal writing in Taiwan as it ponders animal life from a philosophical perspective. Furthermore, three poems related to animal writing by Prof. Tu are collected in this issue. “A-he, A-he,” about a hippo, concerns attitudes toward animals as well as environmental consciousness and animal protection in Taiwan. “My Grief ” expresses the close relationship between a man and his dog. And the third poem, “Reincarnation of the Three Realms—After watching the movie God Man Dog,” considers the Buddhist concept of incarnation in the three realms of life, echoing Lee Chiao's Buddhist philosophy on life beyond this life.


【About the Translators】

  Kuo-ch'ing Tu, born in Taichung, Taiwan. His research interests include Chinese literature, Chinese poetics and literary theories, comparative literature East and West, and world literatures of Chinese (Shi-Hua wenxue). He is the author of numerous books of poetry in Chinese, as well as translator of English, Japanese, and French works into Chinese.

  Terence Russell is an Associate Professor in the Asian Studies Center at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His early research dealt with classical Chinese literature and religion but for the past few years his interest has turned to contemporary literature in Chinese, especially the literature of Taiwan's indigenous people. Dr. Russell has a strong interest in translation and translation theory.

  Chia-ju Chang is an associate professor of Chinese at Brooklyn College, the City University of New York, and teaches translation at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Recent translations include Stone Cell by Lo Fu (Zephyr) and Trees without Wind by Li Rui (Columbia University Press). Her research broadly falls under what is now called “environmental humanities” with a strong commitment to Chinese critical animal studies, ecocriticism, and ecocinema studies. Her first book in Chinese, Global Imagination of Ecological Communities: Chinese and Western Ecocritical Praxis (Jiangsu University Press, 2013), won the 2013 Bureau of Jiangsu Province Journalism and Publication award in China. Her many articles (in both English and Chinese) have been published in the U.S., China, and Taiwan. She and Scott Slovic coedited a volume Ecocriticism in Taiwan: Identity, Environment, and the Arts (Lexington, 2016). She has served on the executive council of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). She was the Kiriyama Professor for Asia Pacific Studies in the Asia Pacific Center at the University of San Francisco for Spring 2016

【About the Translators】

  John Balcom teaches at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Recent translations include Abyss by Ya Hsien (Zephyr), which was a finalist for the 2017 PEN poetry in translation award, and, with Yingtsih Balcom, Memories of Mount Qilai: The Education of a Young Poet by Yang Mu (Columbia University Press). His article“Zwei häufig vorkommende Dudleyas an der Küste von Monterey County” recently appeared in Avonia.

  Chia-ju Chang is an associate professor of Chinese at Brooklyn College, the City University of New York, and teaches translation at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Recent translations include Stone Cell by Lo Fu (Zephyr) and Trees without Wind by Li Rui (Columbia University Press). Her research broadly falls under what is now called “environmental humanities” with a strong commitment to Chinese critical animal studies, ecocriticism, and ecocinema studies. Her first book in Chinese, Global Imagination of Ecological Communities: Chinese and Western Ecocritical Praxis (Jiangsu University Press, 2013), won the 2013 Bureau of Jiangsu Province Journalism and Publication award in China. Her many articles (in both English and Chinese) have been published in the U.S., China, and Taiwan. She and Scott Slovic coedited a volume Ecocriticism in Taiwan: Identity, Environment, and the Arts (Lexington, 2016). She has served on the executive council of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). She was the Kiriyama Professor for Asia Pacific Studies in the Asia Pacific Center at the University of San Francisco for Spring 2016.

  Andrea Lingenfelter is the translator of The Kite Family by Hon Lai Chu, The Changing Room: Selected Poetry of Zhai Yongming, Farewell My Concubine by Lillian Lee (Li Pik-wah), “The Sanctimonious Cobbler” by Wang Anyi, and many poems and short stories from around the Chinese-speaking world. She is a past recipient of a NEA Translation Grant and a PEN translation grant, and she will be taking up a Luce Translation Fellowship at the Vermont Studio Center in Fall 2017 and Summer 2018. An affiliate of the Mills College M.F.A. in Literary Translation, she has also taught at UC Davis and currently teaches at the University of San Francisco.

  Steven Mai was born in New York, raised in Guangzhou, China, and returned stateside during his formative years. He received an M.S. in Translation from NYU SPS, where he graduated in 2015. He is one of the founding partners of Chinese Languages Management Group, a New York based translation and interpretation company.

  Darryl Sterk is a Chinese-English literary translator and assistant professor of translation at Lingnan University. As a scholar of translation he's studying the translation of the screenplay of Seediq Bale in the context of Indigenous Translation Studies.

  Kevin Tsai works on East-West comparative studies, with particular interest in Chinese, Greek, and Roman literatures. As a translator, he focuses on traditional Chinese poetry and Taiwanese literature. Currently an assistant professor at the University of South Alabama, he is completing a monograph on the Ming Dynasty play Shagouji and a translation of the Song Dynasty poet Li Qingzhao.

  Hengsyung Jeng is Professor Emeritus at National Taiwan University. He was born in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1941. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, in 1963, and received his M.A. in TESOL in 1968 and Ph.D. in linguistics in 1976 from the University of Hawaii. Afterwards, he also did research on linguistics and literature at Stanford University (1982) and Harvard University (2000) as a visiting scholar. He specializes in linguistics, English teaching and testing, contrastive analysis of Chinese and English, linguistic approach to literature, Bunun (an Austronesian language of Taiwan), and taught these courses at NTU and some other universities for more than 40 years from 1968 to 2011. In 2010, he was given the NTU Award for Outstanding Social Services because of his services in the three areas of English teaching, English testing, and preservation of Bunun, and in 2011, he was granted the title of Professor Emeritus because of his distinguished research contributions in the four areas of English teaching, English testing, Bunun studies, and linguistic analysis of literary works.


Foreword to the Special Issue on Animal Writing in Taiwan Literature/Kuo-ch'ing Tu
Introduction "Animal Writing: Taiwan's Dongwu shuxie"/Chia-ju Chang

Works by Liu Ka-shiang
Hill of Stray Dogs (Excerpt) 《野狗之丘》(節譯)/Translated by Chia-ju Chang & Steven Mai
The Windbird Pinocha (Excerpt) 《風鳥皮諾查》(節譯)/Translated by Darryl Sterk
Humpback Whale Halinmama (Excerpt)《座頭鯨赫連麼麼》(節譯)/Translated by Andrea Lingenfelter
Flying Away from Bird Island 飛離鳥島/Translated by John Balcom

Works by Liao Hung-chi
Fish Blood 魚血/Translated by Steven Mai
Squid Beach 魷魚灘/Translated by Andrea Lingenfelter
Coming Ashore 上岸/Translated by Andrea Lingenfelter
Periwinkle 錦葵/Translated by Andrea Lingenfelter
Merbabies 海童/Translated by Andrea Lingenfelter

Works by Wu Ming-yi
Koxinga 國姓爺/Translated by Darryl Sterk
The Compass of the Soul 往靈魂的方向/Translated by Darryl Sterk

A Work by Lee Chiao
A Sacrifice to the Asuras 修羅祭/Translated by Kevin Tsai

Animal Poems by Kuo-ch'ing Tu
A-he, A-he 阿河,阿河/Translated by Kuo-ch'ing Tu
My Grief–In Memory of Argus 我的憂傷—悼阿佳斯/Translated by Kuo-ch'ing Tu
Reincarnation of the Three Realms–After Watching the Movie God Man Dog 三界輪迴—《流浪神狗人》觀後/Translated by Kuo-ch'ing Tu

Bunun Animal Stories by Hengsyung Jeng
Ten Bunun Animal Stories 布農動物故事十則/Translated by Hengsyung Jeng

About the Translators
About the Editors
Subscription Form



  本叢刊自1996年創刊開始向英語讀者介紹台灣文學以來,關於台灣文學與自然、環境、海洋、山林等,我們過去曾出版過幾個專輯,包括「台灣文學與自然.環境」(第8集)、「台灣文學與海洋」(第17集)、「台灣文學與山林」(第18集),其中涉及不少有關自然和動物的書寫,包括原住民作家和海洋作家廖鴻基的作品。尤其是,在第8集中,我們譯介了廖鴻基的〈三月三樣三〉,夏曼.藍波安(Syama Rapongan)的〈浪人鰺〉(The Wanderer Shen-fish),黃春明的〈放生〉(Set Free),以及其他與動物和自然環境有關的散文。


  一般而言,雖然「自然書寫」的概念,引自美國研究的一個文學類型,表現出對自然世界的關注,以及人類對自然界經驗的反應和反思。進而在1980年代初,進展為「生態批評」,一門探索文學與自然環境之間的關係的學問,以及對自然和荒野的保護運動。「自然書寫」和「生態批評」的概念,透過翻譯,也在1980 年代引進台灣文學的創作視野和研究領域。經過翻譯,自然書寫在臺灣生根,並演化成富有內涵、技巧精湛的寫作領域。隨著書寫對象的不同,以及對地理環境和歷史文化的關注,而發展成文學的各種次類型,例如海洋文學、鯨豚文學、溪流文學、濕地文學等。自然寫作,也有人稱之為「生態文學」或「環保文學」。


  有鑒於此,本叢刊特地再出「台灣文學的動物書寫」專輯,再次強調我們的出版宗旨,在於向英語讀者介紹「台灣文學的聲音」,亦即「台灣本地的作家和研究者對台灣文學本身的看法」。我們特地請在美國布魯克林大學任教多年的張嘉如教授籌劃這一專輯,並擔任執行編輯。張教授在她的導言〈抒寫動物:台灣的動物書寫〉中指出:「動物書寫」是受到自然書寫文學類型所啟發而發展出來的詞彙。自然書寫(ziran shuxie)和動物書寫(dongwu shuxie)的領域時常重疊,這兩者之間存在的差異很難截然劃分。根據她的了解,在西方,並沒有與動物書寫一詞相對應的字眼,雖有動物文學、動物小說等詞。因此,她認為,在台灣發展出來的「動物書寫」的概念,是台灣對西方動物文學研究的貢獻。她引述吳明益認為中文的「動物書寫」具有雙重含義,加以進一步的解釋。

  作為自然書寫者和生態批評研究者,吳明益建議使用「自然書寫」取代「自然寫作」,因為「書寫」(writing/recording)一詞與「抒寫」(lyrical writing/sentiment) 為同音異義詞,可以同時作為名詞和動詞,可以含有雙重意涵,同時指涉客觀知識的「書寫/記述」和主觀感受的「抒寫/流露」,而豐富了「自然書寫」這一文類的概念,使之具有更深的意涵。這也是「自然書寫」這一文類,在台灣發展出來的特殊意義,以及對這一學術領域的貢獻。

  進而,張教授在導言中,主張使用中文「動物書寫」一詞的拼音(而非把它翻譯成animal writing),以凸顯在全球動物文學研究的舞台上,該詞所蘊含的地方認同,以及具有地方色彩的自然書寫的獨特性。這一用意也符合本叢刊的出版宗旨。我們出版「台灣文學的動物書寫」這一具有特色的專輯,也是對英語讀者和國際學術界做出了一個貢獻。



  這一專輯的構想、籌劃和翻譯者的聯繫,都由張嘉如教授執行,她的功勞和貢獻,以及翻譯者的努力和辛勞,在此謹致最大的謝意。本集作者原作的英譯授權以及陶忘機教授在緊要關頭的及時幫忙都是對本叢刊的特別支持,非常感謝。英文編輯羅德仁教授的奉獻和英文審稿者Fred Edwards的盡責,台灣研究中心在編輯作業上的協助,臺大出版中心在版面設計和出版上的繼續合作,白安吉、蔡瑞齡、蘇逸婷和嚴嘉雲在校對上的細心處理和認真工作,使得這一專輯能夠順利出版,我都必須再一次表示衷心的感謝。


  • ISBN:9789863502623
  • 規格:平裝 / 248頁 / 14 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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