一位紐約攝影師Douglas Adesko曾說道:「只有幾項作為成了我們生存的根基,吃就是其中一項。(There are only a handful of activities that are truly fundamental to our existence, and eating is one of them.)」
Having food is one of the fundamental things on our surviving checklist. Just like breathing, it’s about keeping us alive.
I enjoy reading the description of food consuming in different books, which sentences are full of details. I would imagine the Yun-Pian-Gao (square-shaped white glutinous rice-cake), each piece of cake is just as slight as ideal to taste (from “The Travels of Lao Can”). Or the whole paragraph of how the character was cooking spaghetti (from “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”). And I've transcribed a section somewhere in my notebook, that writes about Gertrude and her lover’s dining diary in Paris in Paris (“The Autobiography of Alice B.Toklas”). Even they’re just a few words, they could bring me to experience the moment. We could share the mood without explanation, the imprint of food is mutual for human being.
瀑布(Waterfall)以網站平台形態於2006年創立,在線上發表企劃與策展計劃。專注於藝術文化與生活,向世界各地的藝術家以邀請與募集創作的方式進行主題編集,作品類型以攝影為主,但也涵括插畫、設計、錄像、短文與長篇小說等多元面向。2009年,瀑布出版了第一本實體化的刊物《What's Your Function in Life?》,得到了熱切的注意與極佳反應,並陸續接獲邀請,參與世界各地的書展,例如巴黎的Offrprint攝影藝術書展、倫敦藝術書展與東京藝術書展等。