生長在都市,吃漢堡長大的布萊恩,如何讓自己活下去?赤手空拳的他如何為自己蓋一處遮風避野獸的處所?如何將電視上看到的鑽木取火理論,落實成為攸關生死存活的取暖之道?為了填飽肚子,這個城市少年學會打獵,並利用臨上飛機前,媽媽送的一支小斧頭,用獵得的大麋鹿僕為自己縫製禦寒的皮靴和皮衣,也學會如何掩藏烏龜蛋,防範其他野獸的搶食。 54天的荒野奮鬥求生,讓城市少年布萊恩歷經一趟徹底的身心洗禮。
榮獲美國「紐伯瑞獎」﹙Newbery Honor Book﹚?美國「紐伯瑞獎」﹙Newbery Honor Book﹚肯定,暢銷全球1,000,000冊。
「《手斧男孩》是個驚心動魄的故事 不只是歷險而已。」——美國《出版家》週刊﹙Publisher Weekly﹚
Since it was first published in 1987, the story of thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson's survival following a plane crash has become a modern classic. Stranded in the desolate wilderness, Brian uses his instincts and his hatchet to stay alive for fifty-four harrowing days.
This twentieth-anniversary edition of Hatchet contains a new introduction and sidebar commentary by Gary Paulsen, written especially for this volume. Drew Willis's detailed pen-and-ink illustrations complement the descriptions in the text and add a new dimension to the book. This handsome edition of the Newbery Honor book will be treasured by Hatchet fans as well as by readers encountering Brian's unforgettable story for the first time.
蓋瑞.伯森﹙Gary Paulsen﹚,1939出生於美國明尼蘇達州,先後當過卡車司機、獵捕人、弓箭手、導演、演員、歌手、水手、工程師、農夫、教師,也曾經淪為酒鬼,而這些豐富的人生閱歷,都成為他後來小說創作的藍本,從西部小說到家用維修,各類題材應有盡有,絕大部分取材自親身經歷,而非一班小說創作的憑空想像。
現定居遠離塵囂的森林,專心從事寫作的蓋瑞.伯森,是美國最聞名而多產的作家之一,至今已出版近兩百本書,已有十多種譯文,在各國都備受青睞。他不僅是「美國圖書館協會最佳圖書」榮譽榜的常客,Hatchet、Dogsong及The Winter Room三書更榮獲美國知名大獎「紐伯瑞獎」肯定。
Gary Paulsen is one of the most honored writers of contemporary literature for young readers. He has written more than one hundred book for adults and young readers, and is the author of three Newbery Honor titles: Dogsong, Hatchet, and The Winter Room. He divides his time among Alaska, New Mexico, Minnesota, and the Pacific.