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Andrew Y. T. LEUNG

圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:Mandatory Building Inspection:An Independent Study on Aged Private Buildings and Professional Workforce in Hong Kong


  Memories are still vivid on the incident: on 29 January 2010, a five-storey building at 45J Ma Tau Wai Road, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong collapsed, causing four deaths and two injuries. The tragedy has raised public concerns about the safety of many of Hong Kong's old and dilapidated buildings.
  Realising that the presence of ageing buildings lacking proper care and maintenance poses potential threats to residents and the public at large, since 2012, the Buildings Department has implemented the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) to carry out inspection and rectification works for buildings aged 30 years or above.
  This book, as a pioneer to review and examine the statistics and distributions of the aged buildings in Hong Kong, provides critical insights on the building decay and neglect problems. The statistical information highlighted in the book also serves to project the estimated number of aged buildings to be covered by the MBIS in the future, and the demand of professional workforce expected for the successful implementation of MBIS.
  The book is useful for the practising professionals in the building industry, such as surveyors, engineers and government officials. It is also an excellent reference for students and researchers in Surveying, Construction Management and related disciplines.



Andrew Y. T. LEUNG

  Professor Andrew Leung taught in the University of Hong Kong and Manchester University and is now associating with City University of Hong Kong. He is Honorary/Guest Professor of 15 universities internationally. He published more than 1,050 pieces of work in Built Environment, including 12 monographs and 500 journal papers of which 450 are cited in Science Citation Index. He is also the President of Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings, Chairman of the Chinese Green Building Council (Hong Kong).
Michael C. P. SING

  Dr. Michael Sing completed his Bachelor Degree in Building Surveying and Master in Building Engineering in 2004. He is a Chartered Building Surveyor, and has over eight years experience working in the field of building surveying and project management. Currently, he is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Division of Building Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, and has published more than 50 articles in prestigious international journals and conference proceedings.
Ken H. C. CHAN

  Dr. Ken Chan is a Professional Quantity Surveyor, Building Engineer and Construction Manager. He has been involved in a number of iconic projects in Hong Kong, Macau and Dubai, and has also served as a Panel Assessor for both the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a Council Member of the Chartered Institute of Building (Hong Kong). He has been a Tutor/Lecturer at the Curtin University of Australia and Heriot–Watt University of England, and is currently a Visiting Lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


2.Statistics of Private Buildings  in Hong Kong
3.The Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) of Hong Kong
4.Analyses on Private Buildings under MBIS
5.Analyses of Private Buildings  under MBIS in the 18 Districts
6.Analyses of Registered Inspectors and RI-eligible Building Professionals  under MBIS
7.Analyses of Registered Inspector Application, Registration and  Failure Rates
8.Projected Demand and Supply of Workforce on Registered Inspectors
9.Conclusions and Recommendations

Aim of this Book

  Along with the population and building booms of Hong Kong in the 1960s, the problem of building dilapidation was being exacerbated. Buildings in state of dilapidation will not only pose problem in terms of structural failure, hygiene, fire safety but also bring along hazards like object falling from height which would cause injury to innocent passer-by. On 29 January 2010, a five-storey residential block in 45J Ma Tau Wai Road collapsed and claimed lives of 4 residents. To the Hong Kong Government and citizens alike, this tragedy not only tolled the death bell for realising the potential danger of aged and dilapidated buildings, but also catalysed the awareness of the importance of keeping the condition of building in proper manner and the necessity of implementing mandatory building inspection and rectification scheme in Hong Kong. As at 31 December 2014, there were 43,163 numbers of private domestic and non-domestic buildings in Hong Kong among which 23,797 were over 3 storeys in height. Out of these 23,797 buildings, 15,581 buildings, equivalent to approximately 65% of the total stock, were with age 30 or above.  Without proper maintenance, these buildings are no difference to bombs and landmines in the city.

  To arrest the long-standing problem of building dilapidation, the Buildings Department commenced the registration of Registered Inspectors (RI) for the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) on 30 December 2011. They are building professionals coming from Architects, Surveyors and Engineers. The MBIS has been fully implemented from 30 June 2012. Under the MBIS, 2000 number of buildings aged above 30 would be selected annually and the owners are required to employ the Registered Inspector for carrying out the inspection and rectification works. This book provides a critical examination on the current private building stock and existing professional workforce available for implementing the MBIS. This information can be used to project the future private building stocks that would be falling into the MBIS and thence demand of professional workforce to implement the MBIS. Therefore, this book is not only useful to policy makers, building professionals and property owners, but also to researchers and students in this field.

  Chapter 1 gives us an overview on the history and latest development of building control in Hong Kong. Chapter 2 provides the statistics and analysis on the existing stock and distribution of private buildings and population density among the 18 Districts of Hong Kong. Chapter 3 reviews the historical development of building inspection scheme in Hong Kong and the scope of works under the MBIS. Chapters 4 and 5 analyse the existing stock of private buildings and provide projection of future building stock in the coming 10 years. Chapter 6 provides a review on the requirement and administrative procedures for building professionals registering as Registered Inspectors. Chapter 7 evaluates the existing supply pool of building professional workforce available for the MBIS. Chapter 8 presents the findings from the web-based questionnaire administrated to building professional and provides a projection on the demand and supply of registered inspectors in coming 10 years. Last but not least, Chapter 9 offers recommendations on how to implement and deliver the MBIS effectively.


  • ISBN:9789629372392
  • 規格:平裝 / 240頁 / 18.5 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
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