Did you know there is a time that comes just once a year When ghouls and ghosts and goblins are near? Through the darkest of night you can hear the trees groan, and the wind, oh my, what a horrible moan! Witches fly through the air with their faces so green. What a sight to behold when spooky demons are seen Even bats and vampires haunt all through the night. While skeletons laugh in blood-curdling fright. With a party for spooks and spiders each and every Halloween Filled within cauldrons of creatures colored purple and green Amid a creepy concoction of cobwebs and caskets Jack-o-lanterns smile and put treats into baskets A night filled with frightful but spirited fun. For all ghastly cadavers, all except one. Among a gaggle of ghosts so heart-thumpingly scary. Came the shiest of ghosts, very fearful and wary. Each haunted spirit knew and saw. That Sheer, the small ghost, was not welcomed at all "You shall not come with us!" commanded the spirit named Fear