This book Whom Shall I Marry? is an efficient tool in the hands of the 21st century youth for quick, effective, and unmistaken identification of life partner. With the invasion of "online dating," coupled with sex-spiced media, the youth is constantly faced with ever-tantalizing relationships that, unfortunately, last only for a night but leave incurable wounds.
Consequently, the book reveals to the youth and parents, in a very short period of time, What Marriage is, Authority & Equality in Marriage, Characteristics of a Good Potential Partner, Common Wrong Reasons for Entering Into Love Relationships, How to Detect and Win a Potential but Reluctant Partner, True and False Marriage Taboos, How to Detect and Safely Quit an Unhealthy Relationship, Safe Dating and Courtship, What to do When Dad and/or Mom Say NO, Impact of Religion on Marriage, Characteristics of Happily Married People, and Assess One’s Current Relationship(s).