Dr. Michael H. Beilan has practiced Emergency Medicine, is Board Certified in Family Practice as well as Quality Assurance and Utilization Review, and has been a sailor for over 40 years. He’s built and restored 4 boats from 35’-73’ and holds an active USCG Merchant Mariner Credential 100 Ton Master’s License. He has also taught seminars addressing the essentials of preparing for and responding to medical emergencies at sea, and is the author of Your Offshore Doctor - A Manual of Medical Self-Sufficiency at Sea (first edition published 1985, second edition published 1996). He and his wife, Susan, recently completed a 10 year circumnavigation (2007-2017) aboard their 43’ Westsail cutter, INFINI, traveling over 41,700 nautical miles and visiting 50 countries and islands. They crossed the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, frequently off the "beaten path," and have crossed the equator 6 times. They are long-time members of the Seven Seas Cruising Association and Ocean Cruising Club and presently reside in Florida. Their cruising website may be found at http: //www.svinfini.blogspot.com.