This book-Life’s Code- introduces your children to genetics-and the genetic code. Until the 1960s, no one knew anything about the genetic code. Figuring it out is one of the major scientific breakthroughs of the last century. You can help your children learn about the code-the basis of genetics. They’ll have fun doing it, and so will you-because the book is written in the genetic code. That’s right!Kids like puzzles! Deciphering the code in this book is a fun way for kids to learn about genetics and science. It will spark interest in a timely science topic-sequencing. GAT AAT GCT TGG TAG TGG (DNA WOW)The book’s author is a molecular biologist. He attended sessions at the California Institute of Technology, when a roomful of geneticists, including several Nobel laureates, discussed the code and tried to figure out a way to crack it.The drawings in the book are delightful! Two bright young boys, nine and eleven, had fun reading-and deciphering-the code on each page, and coming up with ways to illustrate what they found. When you give this book to your children, they’ll have something that’s fun to read, and they’ll be on their way to a fascinating science adventure