Bettye Rowe is a Christian who truly have a passion for God. She gave her life to The Christ over thirty years ago. However, it wasn’t until four years ago, where she truly sought The Lord, and wanted to have a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with Him. It is her passion to know as much as she can learn about The Holy Trinity. She is a divorced mother of four children and six grandchildren, with another grandchild on the way. Currently residing in Texas, but a Native of Arkansas. This is the first book Bettye has written, and she will be publishing a series of "Our Spiritual Food for Today" Books. There will be other Christian books that will also be published, and she is currently working on their completion. Bettye also serves at her church, Zion Baptist Church in Rowlett Texas. Where she Co-leads the Singles Ministry - SOLE. The Editor for Zion’s Monthly Newsletter, "ByHisDesign", and serves with other Women of God in the Women Ministry. Where they serve hot breakfast to one of the local Battered Women Shelter’s. She will be attending Bible College in the fall of 2013 to further increase her Biblical knowledge. It is her desire to do as God commands His children, and that is to feed His sheep; without watering down, nor taking away from His Truths. To stay informed of release dates, and to contact Bettye, her personal website address is: