1: Introduction: Rome and Irish Catholicism in the Atlantic World. A Roman Perspective; Matteo Binasco
Part I. Irish Catholicism and the Atlantic World
2: The Irish in the Iberian Atlantic and Rome: Globalized Individuals and the Rise of Transatlantic Networks of Information; Igor Pérez Tostado
3: Rome as Part of the Irish North Atlantic Experience, 1770-1830; Luca Codignola
4: Language, Ethnicity, and Region: Rome and the Struggle for Dominance of the Canadian Catholic Church,1785-1930; Terrence Murphy
5: Irish Question or Irish Connection? Irish Catholics in North America through the "Roman" Lens; Matteo Sanfilippo
Part II. The Irish Clergy in Rome
6: The "Urbs" and "Hibernia". Missionary Connections between the Irish Community of Rome and Ireland in the Seventeenth Century; Matteo Binasco
7: The Irish Franciscan Continental Colleges and the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception; Mícheál Mac Craith
8: Irish Protestants in the Theatre of the World: The Apostolic Hospice for the Converting, Rome, 1677-1745; Clare Lois Carroll
9: For the Pope and Rome: Irish Catholic Soldiers of the Papal Battalion of St. Patrick in Italy in 1860; Florry O’Driscoll
Part III. Rome and the Irish mission at Home
10: The Other Irish Mission, Spanish Patronage and Catholic Hierarchy in the Seventeenth Century; Cristina Bravo Lozano
11: Rome and the Irish Catholic Community in the Eighteenth Century, 1691-1789; Liam Chambers
12: Conclusion; Matteo Binasco.