L idee d ecrire sa biographie pour en faire un livre vient de soi-meme bien sur, il est dificile de parler d un sujet sans le connaitre ou sans l avoir vecu. Depuis slixante douze annees de mon existence je suis une personne qui aprecie les cultures diverses.If faut voyager pour mieux connaitre les belles choses de notre vie, respecter les idees et les couleurs de notre planete. J ai passe trente six annees en France, participe aux evenements de la seconde guerre mondiale, partege les emotions de notre liberation en Normandie le 6 Juin 1944, et fait mon service militaire en Algerie et en Allemageme.Mes quinze annees passees a la Compagnie Generale Transatlantique sur sept navires differents a bord desquesl nous avons pu voir et servir des celebrites internationales, des Presidents et Chefs de gouvernements et sand oublier les nombreuses escales que falsait chaque paquebots. For the seventy-two years of my existence I have been a person who appreciates various cultures. It is necessary to travel in order to truly know the beautiful things in life, to respect the ideas and the colors of our planet. I spent thirty-six years in France, I took part in the Second World War, I shared in the emotion of the liberation at Normandy on June 6, 1944, and I completed military service in Algeria and Germany. I passed fifteen years at the General Transatlantic Company on seven different ships, on board of which I saw and served international celebrities, presidents, and chiefs of government. I have explored many ports during the stopovers that the liners made. When I was thirty-six years old I traveled across the United States of America, touring from North to South, from East to West by car. I finished this marvelous voyage in California, and I passed through San Francisco, Carmel and Santa Barbara. In Carmel and Santa Barbara I became the happy owner of two different restaurants. I will honor these unforgettable memories for the rest of my life."