★數千張攝影作品,完整介紹Ronan Bouroullec三十年藝術生涯作品
被譽為最具潛力的工業設計師,總是走在設計最前線的法國明星設計師Ronan Bouroullec,向你展示他最具創造力、最震懾人心的作品,從設計、繪畫到建築,跨領域的法國天才設計師,透過數千張攝影作品,邀請讀者從他的視角窺看設計工作的生活、工作與靈感。
搭配英文與法文說明,從各角度窺看大師Ronan Bouroullec的創作過程,是一本獨一無二的精彩影像紀錄。
A stunning and inspiring visual inventory from one the most creative and popular designers working today
French designer Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on Instagram, where he has a huge and loyal following. Thousands of images from the archive have been chronologically sequenced to illustrate his work and life in a fresh, new way.
Part visual diary, part catalog of his work, and with captions in both English and French, Ronan Bouroullec: Day After Day presents these images to a wider readership and offers an intimate and fascinating look into his life, vision, and creative process, offering a unique and vibrant insight into the work, perspective, and creative process of one of the most celebrated and creative design minds working today.