Zombie story with plenty to sink your teeth into: romance, supernatural monsters and a good dose of blood and gore.Blue is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where humans live in colonies high above the ground and have forgotten a lot of what pre-zombie life was like, for instance there are no cell phones or internet etc. Told through a small collection of voices whose stories unfold and then tie-in together, this is a fresh and modern read which races along and keeps the reader enthralled right to the end.The main character, Blue is a half-zombie, half-human. The Blue is an interesting state of being: somewhere between 'normal' and a walking corpse. The Blue is mostly immortal, yet desperately alone.The author's sense of humour is obvious throughout and her love of science and general nerdy fascinations have given the rules and biology that govern the existence of the zombies in Blue a touch of 'almost-reality'.