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圖書介紹 - 資料來源:三民網路書店   評分:
圖書名稱:Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium All-in-One For Dummies
  • 圖書簡介

    Design professionals rely on Adobe’s Creative Suite Design Premium to deliver innovative ideas in print, Web, and mobile design. Adobe CS4 Design Premium All-in-One For Dummies helps you beef up your skills with the latest version of this software. You’ll learn all about the hot new versions of InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks.
    Whether you’re creating newsletters, Web sites, cool original art, or animations, this book has it covered. You’ll find out how to build Web pages with text and drawings, photos, Flash animations, and rollovers; check out enhanced Photoshop 3D tools; develop interactive animations for the Web or video with Flash CS4; and use the easier rollover and action features in Dreamweaver CS4 to add interactivity without coding. You’ll also discover:
    How to get familiar with the menus, panels, and tools that are similar throughout the suite
    Tips for getting creative with Illustrator’s cool new vector tracing feature
    Ways to use the annotation capabilities in Acrobat 9.0 and the improved CSS capabilities in Dreamweaver
    What Fireworks CS4, the newest addition to the suite, can add to Web sites
    Which extensions and filters are common to all programs
    Hard-to-find keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator
    How to enhance and manipulate photos with Photoshop
    Secrets for smoothing out your workflow
    How to use the Adobe Bridge
    Steps for using each program
    To help you quickly find what you need, Adobe CS4 Design Premium All-in-One For Dummies is divided into eight minibooks:
    Adobe Creative Suite Basics
    InDesign CS4
    Illustrator CS4
    Photoshop CS4
    Acrobat CS4
    Dreamweaver CS4
    Flash CS4
    Fireworks CS4
    Adobe CS4 Design Premium All-in-One For Dummies is your one-stop guide to all the parts of Adobe’s ultimate toolkit for today's designer.

  • 作者簡介

    Jennifer Smith is a Certified Technical Instructor and former art director. She also founded Aquent Graphics Institute. Christopher Smith is President of Aquent Graphics Institute and an Adobe Certified Expert. Fred Gerantabee is an Emmy Award-winning interactive designer, author, and educator.

  • 目次

    Book I: Adobe Creative Suite 4 Basics.
    Chapter 1: Introducing Adobe Creative Suite 4.
    Chapter 2: Using Common Menus and Commands.
    Chapter 3: Exploring Common Panel.
    Chapter 4: Using Common Extensions.
    Chapter 5: Importing and Exporting.
    Chapter 6: Handling Graphics, Paths, Text, and Fonts.
    Chapter 7: Using Color.
    Chapter 8: Printing Documents.
    Book II: InDesign CS4.
    Chapter 1: What’s New in InDesign CS4.
    Chapter 2: Introducing InDesign CS4.
    Chapter 3: Drawing in InDesign.
    Chapter 4: Working with Text and Text Frames.
    Chapter 5: Understanding Page Layout.
    Chapter 6: Clipping Paths, Transforming Objects, and Alignment.
    Chapter 7: Understanding Color and Printing.
    Chapter 8: Exporting Your Work.
    Chapter 9: Integrating InDesign.
    Book III: Illustrator CS4.
    Chapter 1: What’s New in Illustrator CS4.
    Chapter 2: Discovering Illustrator CS4.
    Chapter 3: Using the Selection Tools.
    Chapter 4: Creating Basic Shapes.
    Chapter 5: Using the Pen Tool and Placing Images.
    Chapter 6: Using Type in Illustrator.
    Chapter 7: Organizing Your Illustrations.
    Chapter 8: Using Layers.
    Chapter 9: Livening Up Illustrations with Color.
    Chapter 10: Using the Transform and Distortions Tools.
    Chapter 11: Working with Transparency and Special Effects Tools.
    Chapter 12: Using Filters and Effects.
    Chapter 13: Using Your Illustrator Images.
    Book IV: Photoshop CS4.
    Chapter 1: Exploring New Features in Photoshop CS4.
    Chapter 2: Getting Into Photoshop CS4 Basics.
    Chapter 3: Messing with Mode Matters.
    Chapter 4: Creating a Selection.
    Chapter 5: Using the Photoshop Pen Tool.
    Chapter 6: Thinking about Resolution Basics.
    Chapter 7: Creating a Good Image.
    Chapter 8: Working with Painting and Retouching Tools.
    Chapter 9: Using Layers.
    Chapter 10: Saving Photoshop Images for Print and the Web.
    Book V: Acrobat 9.0.
    Chapter 1: Discovering Essential Acrobat Information.
    Chapter 2: Creating PDF Files.
    Chapter 3: Adding Interactivity to PDF Files.
    Chapter 4: Editing and Extracting Text and Graphics.
    Chapter 5: Using Commenting and Annotation Tools.
    Chapter 6: Securing Your PDF Files.
    Book VI: Dreamweaver CS4.
    Chapter 1: Getting Familiar with New Features in Dreamweaver.
    Chapter 2: Introducing Dreamweaver CS4.
    Chapter 3: Creating a Web Site.
    Chapter 4: Working with Images.
    Chapter 5: Putting Text on the Page.
    Chapter 6: Linking It Together.
    Chapter 7: Creating Tables.
    Chapter 8: Creating CSS Layouts.
    Chapter 9: Publishing Your Web Site.
    Book VII: Flash CS4.
    Chapter 1: Getting Started in Flash CS4.
    Chapter 2: Drawing in Flash CS4.
    Chapter 3: Symbols and Animation.
    Chapter 4: Applying More Advanced Animation.
    Chapter 5: Importing Graphics and Sounds.
    Chapter 6: Lights, Camera, Movie Clips!
    Chapter 7: Controlling Your Movie with ActionScript.
    Chapter 8: Getting Into the (Work)flow.
    Chapter 9: Publishing and Final Delivery.
    Book VIII: Fireworks CS4.
    Chapter 1: Introducing Fireworks CS4.
    Chapter 2: Free to Create.
    Chapter 3: Livening Up Your Artwork with Color.
    Chapter 4: Creating Text in Fireworks.
    Chapter 5: Getting Images In and Out of Fireworks.
    Chapter 6: Hotspots, Slices, and CSS Layouts.
    Chapter 7: Using Buttons and Symbols.
    Chapter 8: Don’t Just Sit There — Animate!

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