Set in the colorful backdrop of the Arizona-Mexico border, Café Dulcet is an insightful story that follows Ximena "Nena" Ferrer through a closely-knit series of past and present events in her life. A captivating, female-character-driven, contemporary drama that draws on a diverse array of characters to complement Nena’s strong yet quirky personality, Café Dulcet is a flavorful discovery of the similarities between coffee beans and people as they go through the processes that test inherent natures and strengths, and ultimately shape and give them their flavor and purpose. Café Dulcet is also a reminder that no matter how foreign people’s lives may seem -- their language, their experiences, their culture, their place in the world -- there is always a point of convergence. Coffee, with its global, all-senses-evoking qualities, oftentimes serves as that unifying factor.